ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Hayden’

Exterior Lighting for Fun and Function

Monday, July 15th, 2024

When you’re hoping to make an impression, show something off, help something look its best, or just accentuate it, lighting is the best way to accomplish your goals. And if you’re trying to improve safety and functionality around the house, lighting is your best option. It’s easy to achieve a practical and flattering effect by changing your home’s lighting.

The thing people don’t always consider is that outdoor lighting can achieve the same sorts of goals! What can you accomplish by giving your exterior lighting a glow-up? Here is just a sampling of the many things you can do.

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Does Your Ductless Mini Split Need Repair?

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

If an air conditioner is having a problem, it’s truly best to have it repaired as quickly as you can. This can save you a lot of time and money in the long run, as you’re much less likely to end up dealing with breakdowns, more expensive repairs, or even an air conditioner that fails completely well before you thought you’d need to replace it.

One of the best things about a ductless mini split is its impressive efficiency. But when an AC or heat pump system needs repair, it almost always becomes much less efficient. You certainly don’t want to deal with skyrocketing electric bills! The important thing is to notice a problem right away, so you can get it fixed promptly. But what are the signs that your ductless mini split needs repair?

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Signs Your Radiant Heating System Needs Help

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Radiant heating systems are wonderful. The heat they provide is usually more even and consistent than what you’d get from a forced-air furnace. They operate more quietly, too. They last a long time. And perhaps the best part is how rarely they require repairs! They have fewer moving parts than furnaces, which means less wear and tear, and fewer opportunities for things to go wrong.

However, it’s always possible for something to go wrong. And since many years may go by between repair needs for your radiant system, you might not even know what to keep an eye out for. We’ll give you a simple list of signs that your radiant heating system needs help from a qualified technician. If you spot any of these, get repairs!

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Can My Boiler Repair Wait Until Fall?

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Spring is creeping ever closer. It won’t be much longer until we can throw open our windows and let in the fresh, warm air. Does that mean you can stop worrying about your heating system? If something seems to be wrong with your boiler, can you put off having repairs done until fall? We urge you to get prompt boiler repair. Here’s why.

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Why Boilers Are Still Popular Heating Systems

Monday, January 15th, 2024

Around fifty years ago, it became common practice to construct new homes with ductwork for the central air conditioners that were suddenly all the rage. This meant that the ductwork could also be used for forced-air heating systems like gas or electric furnaces. Naturally, those increased in popularity as well. 

However, they didn’t completely replace the heating systems that were common before. In fact, home heating boilers continue to be a favorite with many Americans, and for good reason. Here’s why they’re still so popular.

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Why a Whole House Generator Is a Great Gift for the Family

Monday, December 4th, 2023

There’s nothing worse than watching kids open gifts on Christmas and then realizing you don’t have the batteries they need, is there? What about having the power go out on a major holiday? That’s definitely worse! But if you had a whole house generator, a power outage wouldn’t even dim your Christmas lights. 

There are a lot of families realizing they have enough (or too many!) things in their homes already and considering giving gifts that improve the quality of life without filling their houses with more stuff. A whole house generator is a perfect gift, one that can keep everything running smoothly under challenging circumstances. Consider these benefits.

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6 Spooky Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

Monday, October 23rd, 2023
Scared woman covering mouth with hands

As Halloween approaches, you’re surrounded by creepy sights and sounds. You might even be staying up late and re-watching your old favorite scary movies. You’re more likely than usual to get jumpy when you hear a strange sound coming from your basement!

You can expect to hear spooky sounds coming from your neighbor’s collection of outdoor Halloween decorations, or from your children as they try on their costumes and practice frightening each other. You should not hear spooky sounds from your furnace! If you do, the furnace needs repair. Keep an ear out for these warning signs.

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Problems Associated with Poor Commercial Lighting

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Is it time to evaluate the lighting in your business or commercial property? People can become very accustomed to whatever lighting they are used to experiencing day in and day out. But being accustomed to something doesn’t mean there aren’t problems associated with it. It can be absolutely remarkable how much of a positive impact better lighting can have! There are two categories of problems with poor commercial lighting: technical issues and human resources issues. Here’s what we mean by that.

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6 Wiring Services a Professional Electrician Can Help With

Monday, July 17th, 2023

You may be surprised to hear all the things a qualified professional electrician’s job can include. If you’re a new homeowner or a homeowner with a new reason to consider your electrical systems, it can help to know exactly what services electricians offer. Take a look at this list and when you have projects or concerns that may overlap with these services, it’s time to consult an electrician.

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How an Energy Recovery Ventilator Helps Your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Heating and cooling a home uses a lot of energy. In fact, according to the EPA, 53% of the energy usage of the average American single-family home is due to heating and cooling!

That means that keeping your climate control more efficient can save you a ton of money. And the best way to heat and cool more effectively is to weatherize your home, sealing up every draft and crack, right? 

But if you seal your home up tight, humidity, contaminants, and allergens will be trapped inside. How can you get fresh air without wasting energy? An energy recovery ventilator might be exactly what you need to improve your indoor air quality while maintaining your efficiency. 

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