The difficult truth of many things in life, especially homeownership, is that nothing lasts forever. Now, you’ve probably had to replace or upgrade many parts of your home over the years. Even if you haven’t owned your home for long, surely some essential appliance has reached the end of its life. But your electrical panel is something that can last quite a while.
It can’t last forever, though! This leads us to our topic today: answering your questions about whether you need to replace your electrical panel. You might be wondering how long an electrical panel lasts, why it might fail, and what the signs are that it’s time for an upgrade. We’ve got the answers.
Many estimates suggest that an electrical panel can last for 25-40 years. This is based on the equipment itself, which doesn’t have the same risk factors for failure as a lot of other appliances. For example, appliances that use or contain water experience corrosion because of that water.
One factor that can increase the lifespan of your electrical panel is maintenance, which should be performed periodically by a qualified electrician. On the other hand, do you remember what life was like 40 years ago? A factor that can shorten the lifespan of the panel is a greatly increased demand for power, causing frequent tripped circuits, and we certainly use more power in our homes these days.
Other than wear and tear and aging, other things can cause an electrical panel to fail. Dust and dirt can be harmful to it, so always keep the door to the panel closed. Power surges due to electrical storms, trees hitting outside power lines, or even outdated home wiring can cause damage. And of course, physical damage or any contact with water could be very harmful to the panel.
There is one other possible reason, which is that the panel itself was unreliable or poorly manufactured to begin with. A company called Federal Pacific was a popular manufacturer of electrical panels until 1986. Unfortunately, their products are unsafe and if your home still has one, it definitely needs to be replaced.
It’s time to upgrade your electrical panel if you notice any signs of a problem with the panel itself. This could be corrosion, black or charred marks, soot, a smell of heat, or any buzzing or crackling sounds. And if you have frequent tripped circuits, your panel is no longer able to handle the demands of your home and family.
You may also spot signs in other parts of your home. These could be lights that flicker or dim, outlets that crackle or create sparks when you plug something in, or switch plates that feel hot to the touch or cause electrical shocks when you turn lights on or off. It’s definitely time to consider electrical panel upgrades in Coeur d’Alene, ID.
Finally, if you do not have an electrical panel with sideways-switching circuit breakers and instead have a fuse box with round fuses that must be pulled out and plugged in, you really need an upgrade! This equipment is at least sixty years old. Fuse boxes were phased out because circuit breakers are safer and more durable, so it’s long past time for a replacement.
ACI Northwest is here to help. Contact us today with any questions about your electrical panel.
Phone: 1-800-767-3027
Other Phone:
208-772-9571 – Idaho
509-482-2000 – Washington
Address: 6600 N. Government Way, Dalton Gardens, ID 83815