ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Coeur d’Alene’

Signs Your Electrical Panel Needs an Upgrade

Monday, July 1st, 2024

The difficult truth of many things in life, especially homeownership, is that nothing lasts forever. Now, you’ve probably had to replace or upgrade many parts of your home over the years. Even if you haven’t owned your home for long, surely some essential appliance has reached the end of its life. But your electrical panel is something that can last quite a while.

It can’t last forever, though! This leads us to our topic today: answering your questions about whether you need to replace your electrical panel. You might be wondering how long an electrical panel lasts, why it might fail, and what the signs are that it’s time for an upgrade. We’ve got the answers.

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How Maintenance Prevents Air Conditioning Problems

Monday, May 20th, 2024

You may have noticed that in this blog, we often talk about the amazing benefits of maintenance for all parts of your HVAC system. And one of the biggest benefits is that maintenance reduces the risk of repair needs and breakdowns. Right now, before you start using your air conditioner for the summer, it’s time to have that maintenance done.

Once you’ve gotten your air conditioner maintained, it will be more effective and more efficient. Your indoor air quality will be better. You’ll be on track to keep that air conditioner running for as many summers as possible. And your likelihood of needing repairs this summer will be cut by 85%. But how does air conditioner maintenance prevent problems and repair needs? Let’s explain.

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Don’t Ignore These Late-Season Furnace Issues!

Monday, February 26th, 2024

It might seem like winter has been going on forever, but we’re really getting there. It’s almost springtime. However, in the meantime, we still need our heating systems to work. It would be lovely if they just kept chugging along until the seasons change. But when they’ve been working so hard for so many months, problems can crop up.

There are some specific furnace issues that are more likely to happen this time of year from all the wear and tear of the winter. Here’s what to watch for.

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Make a Resolution to Get These Home Wiring Problems Fixed

Monday, January 1st, 2024
American electrical outlet and cover plate, with screwdriver and wire nuts

Studies show that the most common type of New Year’s resolution has to do with personal health: eating better, going to the gym, drinking more water, etc. But have you considered the well-being of your home? For a refreshing approach to your New Year’s resolution, how about addressing the issues with your home’s electrical wiring? Here’s what you should know.

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Is Your Heating System Holiday-Ready?

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Happy autumn! It’s the season of cozy holiday gatherings. But if your home isn’t cozy, it can really spoil the season. Is your heating system ready to perform well and keep your family and your guests warm and festive? Here’s how to make sure.

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Pros and Cons of Radiant Heating Systems

Monday, October 9th, 2023

When you’re building a new home, or remodeling your home, there are so many different things to consider. It can start to be completely overwhelming! You might be tempted to make quick decisions about certain aspects, going with whatever option is familiar just to simplify your process. But when it comes to your heating system, you don’t want to rush your decision.

The way to have a heating system that you’ll be happy with for many years to come is to carefully evaluate your options. Different approaches to heating will work better for different homes, families, and budgets. Radiant heating systems are a fantastic choice for many people. Take time to consider the pros and cons of this option. It might be right for you!

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Common Repair Issues With Rooftop HVAC Units

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Commercial buildings widely rely on rooftop HVAC units. This is because they are truly ideal for a long list of reasons: they’re effective, they’re quiet, they have excellent air circulation, they’re out of the way, and more.

But no system is flawless. Every complex system requires maintenance and there’s always a chance that something will go wrong. What can go wrong with rooftop HVAC units? Here are some of the repair needs that are most likely to come up.

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5 Benefits of Ductless Mini Split AC

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

What kind of air conditioning system do you have? A traditional central air conditioner? Window units? While these are quite common and useful, sometimes people are inclined to just use what they’re familiar with rather than try something new.

But a different option might actually be so much better! With a little information, you might find that you do want to try something new, and that something might be a ductless mini split. Here’s why. 

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3 Reasons Why Whole-House Generators Are a Great Investment

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Having your power go out is a huge hassle. Whether it’s ice and snow, a summer electrical storm, or a utility pole taken out by a car accident, power outages can happen at any time. Being prepared for this means having a backup generator. While many people use portable generators, we’d like to offer three reasons to consider a whole-house generator instead.

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Why Invest In An End-Of-Season Heater Repair

Monday, February 27th, 2023

The cold weather is still dominating our days but the end of winter is still fast approaching. A long and trying winter season can leave even the most efficient heater struggling to produce the necessary warmth for your home. However, this late in the season, you may feel less encouraged about getting a heating repair in Coeur d’Alene, ID. While our team understands, we also want to let you know that a late-season heater repair is well worth the effort.

Let’s look at why end-of-season repairs for a malfunctioning heater are still worthwhile. Plus, we’ll tell you what some of the indicators are that your heater is struggling.

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