ACI Northwest Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Replacement’

Repair Your Old AC? Or Replace It?

Monday, June 17th, 2024

An air conditioner is a good investment. It can last twelve or more years, under ideal circumstances. But at a certain point, it starts to be more trouble than it’s worth.

When your air conditioner is getting older, should you keep spending money on repairs? Or is it time for a replacement? Here’s some info to help you decide.

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When It Is Time for a New Air Conditioner

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

determining-if-electric-heat-pump-is-right-for-youThe last thing that anyone wants as the days get longer and hotter is to discover that their air conditioner is getting weaker and less reliable. However, this is a situation that many residents across the greater Coeur D’Alene and Spokane area encounter at least once in their lives.

Realizing that your AC is starting to break down without a chance of recovery isn’t a good feeling, but thankfully this situation isn’t without hope. Catching the warning signs of an AC that needs to retire gives you a chance to schedule an air conditioning replacement in Spokane before you are left without a cooling system for days or weeks on end.

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Air Conditioner Replacement vs Repair: Which Makes More Sense?

Monday, August 1st, 2016

As summer continues on, we don’t need to be reminded of how important it is to have a fully functioning and efficient air conditioning system. Temperatures have soared lately, and hopefully you’ve had a properly working AC system to get you through, with no problems.

If you have had problems though, you may be wondering if it’s time to replace your air conditioner, or if you should invest in repairs instead and hold off buying a new system until next spring or later. No matter what, it’s important to confide in our professionals, as attempting AC repairs on your own can cause additional damage to your air conditioner.

But how do you know for sure when repairs are needed or replacement makes more sense?

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Repair or Replace: Which Is Best for Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, August 10th, 2015

When your older air conditioner struggles to run, you are faced with a few tough decisions. The biggest question of all is tough to answer without the proper expertise: Is it worth it to repair the air conditioning system, or is it more cost-effective to invest in a replacement? We’ve put together a guide to when replacement may be the best option, but we always recommend that you consult with a local technician first.

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Is Your Home Prepared for the Warmer Weather Ahead?

Monday, April 27th, 2015

When the weather outside is still chilly, it’s difficult to think about the warmer weather ahead. But sooner than you know it, we will be dealing with the heat of summer once more, and you will need your air conditioning system to run smoothly if you want to stay comfortable. The people at ACI Northwest would like to offer a few pieces of advice to those who want to use the lull of springtime (as AC technicians are usually more readily available at this time) to prepare for their homes for the heat of summer.

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How to Tell It’s Time for Air Conditioning Replacement

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Deciding to give up your older air conditioner and install a new one can be tough, but if you make sure to use professionals for your air conditioning replacement, you can find a new unit that uses little energy and saves you money each month. However, you definitely don’t want to spend money on replacement where repair is a better option. So how do you decide it’s time to replace?

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Old Equipment You Really Shouldn’t Keep in Greenacres

Friday, September 30th, 2011

When you move into an existing Greenacres home, there are many pieces of equipment that you may not want to keep. Some of them are just old and poor quality, while others cost you a lot of money and others still may be dangerous to you or your children. Before you settle into your space, make sure you have every one of your systems checked thoroughly for potential problems including inefficient heating, dangerous parts or environmentally unfriendly components.

Energy Cost

Number one on your list should be the cost of the energy needed to run your HVAC equipment. Furnaces and air conditioners in particular have become much more energy efficient in the last 10 years so older systems routinely cost much more money to operate than new ones. That doesn’t mean you should immediately rush out to replace your old furnace, but if it isn’t working properly or it’s costing you more money than you’d like, the cost benefit of a new system is often worth checking into.

Ozone Depleting Refrigerants

Older appliances like air conditioners may still use ozone depleting refrigerants that are no longer considered safe (or in some cases legal) for home use. If this is the case, not only does your system probably have a very low SEER rating, it likely isn’t good for the environment or your own health. So, have your system replaced as soon as possible to avoid potentially negative side effects.

Dangerous Equipment

Finally, there are those pieces of equipment that are dangerous. If you find that your furnace has rust around the edges, or you have a dangerously out of date heat pump in your backyard, it may be time for some replacements. In general, these systems will last for years longer than they are considered safe and while you probably cannot buy a house without a working and safe furnace and air conditioner, you should still have them inspected carefully and replaced as soon as possible if you suspect problems.

Good HVAC equipment is hard to come by – if your home has it already, you’re in luck, but if you happen to move into a place with poor quality materials and equipment, have it replaced as soon as possible. Your health and wallet will both benefit greatly.

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