3 Signs You Need a Generator Repair

April 12th, 2021

Timely repairs are necessary to keep your generator working smoothly. If you neglect generator maintenance, you risk having a minor issue worsening into something that requires costly repairs or replacements. Proper and frequent maintenance is crucial if you want your generator to stay in its prime. If you find any signs that you need a generator repair, arrange for generator repair experts to mitigate the problem and find the appropriate solution.

Unsure of what these signs are? Here are three critical ones to look out for:

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With a Generator You Won’t Need Luck To Keep the Lights On

March 12th, 2021

A home generator that provides electricity during a power outage. It is connected to a propane gas supply.When a big storm rolls through town and knocks out your power, how ready will you be? Maybe you have a portable generator that you can dig out and get running to keep the lights in your home on … mostly. Even with one of these systems though, it can be hard to keep your home running. You don’t have to rely on luck to keep your lights on though. There is a more reliable option you can turn to: a whole-house generator.

If you haven’t considered a whole-house generator for your home’s electricity needs, now might be the perfect time to give this option some attention.

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5 Sounds You Shouldn’t Heat From Your Heater

March 1st, 2021

You have some great sweaters and some pretty cool socks that keep your toes warm. But the truth is that you are using more of these items to keep you warm when you are in the house. While there is nothing wrong with layering up to reduce demand on the heater, there is a bigger problem on your hands if this clothing is the only thing keeping you warm. This means you need a heating repair in Cheney, WA.

You can come to our team for the repair services you need. All you need to do is reach out for professional help if you notice warning signs like the sounds we’ve listed below.

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3 Ways to Show Your Love For Your Heater

February 15th, 2021

checklist-animationIt can be nice every once in a while to enjoy that cliché Winter Wonderland: snow on the trees, an overcast day, and all that. However, it becomes increasingly annoying when you don’t have a place to go to warm up after finishing that chilly walk. Your heater is supposed to be keeping your home reasonably warm–so what is going on?

Unfortunately, the answer is likely that you need to schedule a heating repair in Deer Park, WA. It happens to even the best heating systems something goes wrong and it starts to affect your home comfort. Don’t ignore the issue or just try to get by until the end of the season. Scheduling a heating repair now can save you a lot of discomfort and high bills later on down the road. Add that heater repair to these best practices to get the best performance from your heater for the rest of the season.

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The Importance of Having the Right Outlets

February 1st, 2021

outlet-on-wall-with-cord-plugged-inWhen you think about your electrical systems, your mind probably hops to wires and connections and other things. You may only consider your electrical outlets when considering whether or not they are usable. But did you know that your electrical outlets can be a big factor in how safe and efficient your home is? It might sound odd, but it’s true!

Electricians in Deer Park, WA know the importance of having the right outlets in the right areas of your home. It’s about a lot more than just what looks good on your wall. Learn more below and reach out to our team for help when getting your outlets in order.

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Is Your Home Prepared For Allergy Season?

January 18th, 2021

Sick woman blowing her noseEverything outside seems to be tucked in for the winter. Flowers are hiding underground or closed up, trees have shed their leaves, and so on. With no major pollen producers around, it can be easy to forget what is coming when spring arrives: allergy season. We bring this up early because we want to make sure that you and your home are ready to fight back against any indoor air quality hindrances, such as pollen or other allergens, that may mess with your comfort.

There is more than one way to combat those nasty allergens when they try to invade your home and your sinuses. With the help of these tips and our indoor air quality systems in Coeur d’Alene, ID, you won’t have to stress or sneeze nearly as much when seasonal allergy season hits.

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5 Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Help

January 4th, 2021

close-up-view-of-ductless-systemIt worked hard all summer to keep your home cool and now you are relying on it to keep you warm in the coming months. Your heat pump has a big job to do and most of the time it is up to the task. There will come a day, however, when this usually reliable system isn’t as helpful as it should be. When that happens, it’s a good idea to reach out to a professional for guidance—you may need to schedule repairs for this Coeur d’Alene, ID heating system, and the sooner that is done the better off you’ll be.

At this point, you may be asking, “But how do I know my heat pump needs repairs?” A good question, one we’re happy to answer. We have provided some indicators that will tell you it is time to schedule heat pump repairs with our team. We’re ready when you are.

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Give Your Furnace the Gift of Professional Heating Repair

December 21st, 2020

technician-working-on-heaterIt can be tempting to see if someone less experienced can fix up your furnace when it isn’t working right. Maybe you’ve even found yourself looking up potential DIY fixes for this heating system. While these approaches may seem like they will save you cash, they really will only put your furnace’s well-being and your safety at risk. There is nothing that can or should ever replace professional furnace repair in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

With that said, we have a question for you: is something wrong with your furnace? Chances are there is, since you are hunting for furnace repair solutions. Don’t try to get through the coldest months of the year without a reliable heater; instead, reach out to ACI Northwest for the professional repairs you need.

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The Differences Between Radiant and Forced-Air Heaters

December 7th, 2020

woman sitting in her home with holiday lights on a tree in the foregroundWinter is right around the corner and if you’ve been here for even one season in Idaho, you know they are nothing to mess with. Sunny cool days can quickly switch places with wind and snowfall. Whether the sun is out or the snow is piling up, you will want to make sure that you can keep your home warm when you need it the most.

Choosing a good heater for your house is going to make all the difference in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. But there is more than one type of heater out there for you. Let us give you some extra information on what differentiates radiant heating in Sandpoint, ID, and forced-air heating—and what makes both of them great options.

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What Are the Signs You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

November 23rd, 2020

Maybe you are playing the host for a small Thanksgiving gathering this year. While fewer people means a little less to prepare, it doesn’t mean that you don’t want everything to go well. So ensuring that the lights stay on and your oven works properly is going to be a big factor in keeping the holiday spirits up. But what if you aren’t sure that your electrical appliances will be up to the task?

If you have been having a multitude of electrical troubles in your home recently, it may not be your appliances’ fault. The truth is, you might need to reach out to an electrician in Sandpoint, ID for an electrical panel upgrade. Not sure if your panel needs to be traded out? Not to worry, we can offer you the warning signs to know and the services to resolve the issue so you can enjoy the peace of mind you need this season.

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