Signs That You Need to Call for Heating Repairs

January 10th, 2014

Protecting your heating system during the winter is important to make sure the season is enjoyable and not a chore to slog through. No matter how new, durable, or well-maintained your heating system is, it can still malfunction and require repairs to get it back to providing your home with warmth. Furnaces, boilers, heat pump, and geothermal systems can all need professional repairs.

Fortunately, no matter what trouble you have with your heating system in Coeur d’Alene, WA, you can access help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from ACI Northwest. Don’t hesitate to make the call if you encounter any of these signs that heating repairs may be necessary:

Strange, unexpected noises

If you’ve lived for at least a year with your heating system, you will know the sorts of sounds it makes during regular operation. An interruption to this sound routine often indicates a repair need. A rumbling boiler; a groaning furnace; a loudly clicking heat pump. Since these odd noises can come from a number of different sources, call for professionals to diagnose the issue and find the best way to repair it.

Spikes in your heating bills

A heating system can begin to malfunction without showing any outward signs that anything is amiss: you’ll still get the same level of heat you expect. However, these malfunctions will make the heater work harder to provide this regular service—and this will show up on your power bills. Pay close attention to your bills so that a sudden leap will warn you when you need to call in professional heating repair.

Uneven heating

If you heater was properly sized during installation (and if you relied professional, licensed installers, it should be), then you can expect it to spread the warmth evenly through the rooms of your home. If you begin to discover cold rooms while the heater is running, it often means trouble developing in the ducts, the heating elements, the refrigerant coils, or the zone control thermostats. Call for help to find out what’s behind the poor heating.

The complexity of modern heating systems makes them difficult for amateurs to investigate (and occasionally dangerous). It’s often impossible to guess what is ailing a heater, so turn to licensed and trained experts from a company like ACI Northwest for your repairs. We work on many types and brands of heaters, and we can assist you with your heating in Coeur d’Alene, WA this winter.

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New Year’s Traditions Explained

December 31st, 2013

2014 is almost upon us, and with the coming of the New Year, we thought we’d take a brief look at some of the more popular traditions associated with this holiday. It’s been around for at least 4,000 years: as long as we’ve figured out how long it takes for the seasons to come and go. Here’s a quick discussion about some of our more modern traditions and where they started:

  • Auld Lang Syne. The famous song began in Scotland, where it was published by Robert Burns in 1796.  He claims he initially heard it sung by an elderly resident of his hometown, which suggests it has traditional folk origins even before that. It became even more popular when big band leader, Guy Lombardo, started playing it every New Year’s Eve, starting in 1929 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City.
  • The Dropping of the Ball in Times Square. The tradition of dropping the ball in Times Square started in 1907. It was made out of iron and wood with light bulbs located on the surface, and the ball originally “dropped” over the offices of the New York Times at One Times Square. Dick Clark famously broadcast the event every year from 1972, until his death in 2012.
  • The Rose Parade. The Tournament of Roses Parade has been held in Pasadena every year since 1890; taking advantage of California’s warm weather to present a parade of floats, bands and horses. A football game was eventually added to the festivities in 1902, when Michigan dominated Stanford’s team by a score of 49-0
  • Baby New Year. The use of a baby to signify the New Year dates back to Ancient Greece, where it symbolized the rebirth of Dionysus (the God of wine and parties). Early Christians initially resisted the pagan elements of the story, but soon came to adopt it since it matched the traditional Christmas symbol of baby Jesus in the manger. Today, people of all faiths and traditions refer to the New Year as a baby, representing new beginnings.

Whatever traditions you choose to celebrate, we here at ACI Northwest wish you the very safest and happiest of New Years. May 2014 bring you nothing but the best!

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Longer Days Ahead: Why Winter Solstice Is a Reason to Celebrate

December 23rd, 2013

Holiday greetings from all of us at ACI Northwest!

December is a time of celebrations across the globe, despite the cold weather that affects much of the countries in the Northern Hemisphere. In fact, the cold weather is one of the reasons that it is so important for people to embrace celebrations of light, color, food, and warm drinks—what better way to cheer up during a time of short days and low temperatures?

There is another reason to feel joy at the end of December, regardless of your religion or culture: an astronomical event called winter solstice.

Four astronomical markers divide the seasons on planet Earth: two solstices and two equinoxes. Equinox (a combination of the Latin words for “equal” and for “night”) is the point in Earth’s orbit when its axis is parallel to the Sun. Solstice (from the Latin words for “sun” and “to stand still”) is the point in orbit where the Earth’s axial tilt points toward the Sun. During the equinoxes, which occur at the start of spring (vernal equinox) and fall (autumnal equinox), the periods of day and night are the same length. During the solstices, which occur at the start of summer (June solstice) and winter (winter solstice), either day or night is at its longest period. June solstice is the longest day of the year; winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year.

Occurring on the 20th or the 21st of the month (this year it falls on the 21st), winter solstice marks the official beginning of winter, but also the point at which the days start to grow longer once more. The sun, which has dropped lower in the sky since the June solstice (June 20-21) and reaches its lowest point above the horizon on noon on winter solstice, once again begins to rise.

From the earliest human prehistory, people have recognized the winter solstice as an important event in their lives. When winter survival was difficult for early human societies, the sight of the sun beginning to rise in the sky once more was a symbol of hope and a reason to celebrate.

(All of the above applies to the Northern Hemisphere of Earth. The equinoxes and solstices flip in the Southern Hemisphere. For example, in Australia, Christmas is a summer holiday.)

However you commemorate and observe this time of year, we hope you and your family have a joyful and safe season!

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Should My Boiler Have Rust on It?

December 16th, 2013

Boilers are systems where water is in constant contact with metal. Usually, this mean that rust developing is inevitable. So if rust appears on a boiler, that’s just a natural process, right?

No, it isn’t… your boiler shouldn’t have any rust on it, as we’ll explain. If you do notice rust along parts of your boiler, you need to have professional boiler repair technicians examine it and find out what needs to be done. For excellent heating repair services in Hayden, ID, call ACI Northwest.

Rust and your boiler

Boilers have safety devices installed to prevent rust. The most important is an anode rod at the top of the tank, which is sometimes called a “sacrificial rod” because its job is to rust away first before the rust can enter into the boiler tank—hence, sacrificing itself. If the anode rod rusts completely, which it eventually will, then rust will start to afflict the rest of the boiler. This is a reason why you need to enroll in regular maintenance; technicians will routinely replace the anode rod before it stops functioning.

So why is rust such a problem for a boiler? The first reason is that rust weakens metal. Any corrosion that affects metal will start to break it apart until it flakes and crumbles away. Weakened metal in the boiler tank will mean leaks; the pressure inside the tank will start breaking through the rusted sections. The rust will start affecting the connectors to the tank and cause leaks to start there as well. If the spread of the rust isn’t stopped, the whole boiler tank may need to be replaced because of leaking that can’t be repaired.

Another problem that rust causes boilers is that it imbalances the temperature inside the tank. Rust is an insulator, and if it starts to enter the inside of the tank, it will trap additional heat, causing the boiler to overheat. Overheating will trigger numerous problems throughout the boiler, including creating more leaks.

If caught soon enough, rust can usually be removed with professional attention. The boiler repair technicians will also track down the reason the rust started so they can stop it from returning. Rust will spread if left alone, so act immediately when you notice any corrosion on your boiler tank or other part of your heating system. The technicians at ACI Northwest are NATE-certified and have the proper training to take care of your heating repair in Hayden, ID so you’ll have a healthy boiler once more.

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Common Heat Pump Repairs to Look Out For

December 9th, 2013

In a Spokane winter, a heat pump is one of the best choices for home heating. Heat pumps work as both heaters and air conditioners, and they have enough heating efficiency to get through a Washington winter. They are also dependable and sturdy, but they can suffer from a number of repair needs that will cut down on their effectiveness.

This list contains some common repairs that heat pumps may require. Contact ACI Northwest, 24/7, if you need have any of these repairs done. We have 85 years of experience behind us to make sure you have only warm days ahead of you, so look to us for professional heating repair service in Spokane, WA.

  • Leaking refrigerant: Heat pumps operate through the process of heat exchange, and this requires a chemical compound called refrigerant. Refrigerant shifts heat from outdoors and moves it indoors. During normal operation, refrigerant does not get used up. However, if a leak develops along a refrigerant line, it will cause the heat pump to lose its ability to draw heat from outside and bring it inside to warm your home. You will need a technician to seal the leak and recharge the refrigerant.
  • Broken reversing valve: One of the main differences between a standalone air conditioner and a heat pump is the reversing valve. This valve changes the direction of refrigerant, allowing a heat pump to switch between heating and cooling. A broken valve will cause the heat pump to become stuck in one mode, and it will need to be replaced. If your heat pump will only give you cool air, then you probably need to have professionals replace the reversing valve.
  • Burned out compressors: Compressors are at the heart of a heat pump, since they are responsible for sending refrigerant through the unit and carrying out the heat exchange. However, compressors work in a way similar to a piston motor, and can wear down the same way that motors do. If you start hearing grinding noises from your heat pump and notice a loss of heating power, then the compressor may be at fault and will need to be replaced.

ACI Northwest has NATE-certified heating technicians ready to help you with your heating repair in Spokane, WA, whether it’s a malfunctioning heat pump with leaking refrigerant or burnt-out motors in a gas furnace. Contact us any time of the day or night.

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Why Replacing Your Heater Might Be Your Best Bet

December 2nd, 2013

The beautiful Spokane winter is almost here. Are you prepared to make the most of it? Specifically, is your heater prepared to make the most of it for you? Although modern heaters can last for many years, eventually a time will come when you must consider replacement as a serious option. In this post we will go over some reasons why it may be time to stop calling for repairs and instead call for a new heating installation. You should have the best heating in Spokane, WA possible to make the winter pleasant instead of something you must simply endure.

ACI Northwest has more than 85 years of experience providing professional heating service to Spokane; we’ve seen many developments in heating technology, so trust us to help you select the right heater to replace your old one—and then trust us to install it correctly.

Ways to tell that you should replace your heater instead of repair it:

  • It’s extremely old: The U.S. Department of Energy recommends that you have your heating system inspected if it is over 15 years old (10 years for heat pumps). An older heating system will often start to work inefficiently, increasing your heating bills while declining in its ability to keep you warm.
  • Repairs are becoming regular: Look over the last two years’ worth of repair service calls. If you’re spending a large amount of money having repairs done to your heater to keep it working, then it may be more cost-effective to invest in a replacement heater than continuing with repairs that will only increase until the heater breaks down entirely.
  • You can’t get control of your heating bills: A brief spike in your bills usually indicates that your heater needs repairs. However, if your heating bills increase and nothing seems to reduce them, then the reason is probably a heater approaching the end of its service life. A new heater with improved energy efficiency will take care of those high bills.

Have experts assist you

Before you decide on having a new heater installed, bring in the Spokane heating replacement experts for a professional analysis. An HVAC technician can determine if a new heater is the best option, and recommend types and models for your replacement. You will also need these experts to carry out the installation when the time comes; a heater installed by amateurs can pose health hazards and on average works 30% less efficiently than one that received a professional installation.

ACI Northwest will help you through the process of choosing and installing a new heater if that is your best option. We back up our work with a written unconditional one-year money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Thanksgiving, 2013: The Presidential Turkey Pardon

November 25th, 2013

Thanksgiving began in 1621, but didn’t become a national holiday until 1863, when Abraham Lincoln declared it in hopes of bringing a divided nation together. We have many Thanksgiving traditions in this country, from turkey at the meal to the annual Cowboys and Lions games on television. But one of the most beloved is the annual Presidential turkey pardon, in which the U.S. President “pardons” a turkey to life in a petting zoo rather than ending up as someone’s main course. As we celebrate this Thanksgiving, we thought you’d like to know a little more about the history of this fascinating tradition.

Farmers have sent turkeys to the White House as far back as the 1800s, hoping to have the honor of providing the President’s annual meal. There have been scattered stories of individual turkeys being “pardoned” throughout that time, including one in which President Lincoln’s son Tad successfully convinced the president to spare a bird intended for the family’s Christmas dinner.

Starting in 1947, the National Turkey Federation became the official supplier of the President’s Thanksgiving birds. The White House arranged for an annual photo op that year with the President receiving the turkey in the Rose Garden. Sadly, there was no pardon as yet; those birds all ended up on the Presidential table.

The push for an official pardon picked up steam in 1963, when President Kennedy ask that the bird be spared just a few days before his assassination. President Nixon opted to send each of the birds he received to a nearby petting zoo after the photo op, though there was no formal pardon attached.

But it wasn’t until 1989 that the pardon became official. On November 14 of that year, President George H. W. Bush made the announcement, and sent the bird to a Virginia game preserve to live the rest of its life out in cranberry-and-stuffing-free bliss. Since then, every President has held an annual pardoning ceremony, with the lucky turkey spared the axe and sent off to live in peace. Since 2005, the pardoned birds have gone to Disneyland in Anaheim, California where they have lived as part of a petting zoo exhibit in Frontierland.

No matter what traditions you enjoy this holiday, or who you enjoy them with, all of us here wish you a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving weekend.

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Uneven and Inadequate: Common Residential Boiler Problems

November 18th, 2013

In general, when a residential boiler is working in peak condition, it’s one of the best ways to heat a home: energy-efficient, low maintenance, quiet operation, and an effective an even distribution of heat. Boilers usually outlast other residential heating systems, making them a long term-cost effective solution for winter heating.

Boilers can and do malfunction, however, even ones that receive the best regular maintenance. If you notice that your boiler is struggling to provide sufficient heat for your home, or that the heat isn’t distributed evenly through the rooms, it may be time for heating repair service in Couer d’Alene from a professional HVAC technician. ACI Northwest wants to help you enjoy the beautiful winters in Washington State: call us when you need help getting your boiler back to working at its best.

Boiler problems we frequently encounter

There are a number of different reasons that your boiler may run into trouble giving you adequate and even heating.

  • Pressure loss: If your boiler starts to lose water pressure inside the tanks or pipes, it will struggle with providing you adequate heat. This could be happening because of leaks (which may occur in places you can’t see) or trouble with the pressure relief valve.
  • Thermostat problem: If the thermostat malfunctions, it will sense heat incorrectly in your home or activate the boiler at the wrong times. Always check your thermostat when you encounter poor heating in your home, since the problem may originate there—and it’s one of the simpler fixes for an HVAC professional.
  • Corroded and blocked pipework: If the boiler seems to be working fine, but certain rooms aren’t getting warm, there may be blockage in the pipes. Corrosion can sometimes cause debris and sludge to build-up in the pipes, blocking them from getting to certain parts of your house.
  • Incorrectly sized boiler: If the boiler seems to have no other issues, but it still cannot provide you adequate heating, the problem may be that the boiler is too small. This is often an issue from amateur installation: boilers need to have professionals size them for a home. You need to consult with an expert to see if a new installation will fix this.

Whatever your boiler troubles, don’t let them go without repairs. The poor heating will not simply fix itself, no matter how advanced a boiler you have installed. The longer you let malfunctions go without repairs, the worse the problems will become—especially leaks! Don’t try to handle the repairs yourself, since you might end up causing further damage. Call trained professionals who can perform the work fast and effectively.

ACI Northwest has more than 85 years of experience with heating repair in Couer d’Alene, and we are ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you.

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Can Hard Water Affect My Boiler?

November 11th, 2013

Hard water refers to water than contains high amounts of minerals, usually calcium and magnesium. Here in Hayden, ID, our water treatment system is very good, but it still lets traces of hard water through sometimes. If you live outside the city proper or get your water from a private source, the chances of hard water increase considerably. That can affect more than just your drinking water, to the point of interfering with certain appliances in the house. The boiler you use to heat your home, in particular, can be vulnerable. “Can hard water affect my boiler?” you ask. The short answer is “absolutely.”

Most boiler water needs to be filtered before it can be used, and boiler feedwater requires different characteristics than potable drinking water. That’s a fancy way of saying that hard water isn’t something to just casually dismiss when it comes to your boiler. The mineral deposits in the water will coalesce on the interior surface of the boiler, causing scaling and build up throughout your heating system. That results in innumerable problems. The boiler could suffer from corrosion on the sides. The build-up could interfere with flow through the pipes, retarding the heating process considerably. In some cases, it can also serve as unwanted insulation against the heating, forcing your boiler to work harder in order to heat the water to the temperature it needs to be.

You can prevent this by ensuring that the water you use has been purified and adheres to the standards your boiler requires. You can contact a trained technician to deal with any existing deposits and to help ensure that no hard water is used in your system. At ACI Northwest, we can remove the deposits created by hard water and ensure that the problem doesn’t recur in the future.  Our service area includes Hayden, ID, heating repair is a specialty of ours, and we conduct all our operations with your complete satisfaction in mind. If you’re asking “can hard water affect my boiler?” give our Hayden, ID heating repair technicians call to set up an appointment today. You’ll be glad that you did.

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Common Electrical Problems with Your Heater

November 4th, 2013

Although contemporary homes can depend on a variety of energy sources—natural gas, propane, and geothermal—electricity is an essential you’ll find almost everywhere. Because of electricity’s importance in running your home, it will probably have some connection to your heater, even if it is only to power the thermostat. Heaters can develop a number of problems due to electrical failures, most of which will require the work of a trained HVAC technician to repair.

Here are some common electrical problems your heater may encounter. If you need help with repairs for your heating in Hayden, ID, make sure you call professionals; don’t try to do the work yourself or rely on a friend or relative with some basic knowledge of electricity. Contact experts like those at ACI Northwest. We are on-call to assist you, 24 hours a day.

Common electrical problems in heaters

Failed heating elements: This applies to electrical furnaces and boilers, both of which use heating elements—sets of coils that burn hot as current passes through them—to raise the temperature of air (furnaces) or water (boilers). They can fail like any electrical system, which will reduce your heating ability. Furnaces and boilers contain more than one heating element, so if one fails you probably won’t lose your heat entirely, but the heater will no longer be able to match its target temperature. Have an HVAC expert open up your heater, removed the failed element, and replace it.

Capacitor issues: If you have a heat pump, this is the most common electrical trouble you may encounter. Capacitors are cylindrical devices about the size of soda cans that are responsible for sending electrical charges to the motors to start and keep them running. Capacitors can burn out or suffer from wiring problems, and this will cause the heat pump to “hard start” (draining power) or quit operating entirely. A technician will have to replace the damaged capacitors.

Thermostat wiring problems: Even if your heating system runs off natural gas, oil, propane, or geothermal power, it almost certainly has an electrical thermostat controlling it. Thermostats with faulty wiring will start to malfunction, often incorrectly registering your home’s temperature or failing to accurately set the heater. If you notice your heater is unable to reach its target temperature despite showing no other signs of malfunctioning, thermostat may be to blame.

Electrical problems pose a serious danger to anyone who works with them and lacks experience. Avoid the risk of a high voltage shock, or causing additional electrical problems through haphazard tinkering. Get the job done safely and correctly with a professional Hayden, ID heating technician. ACI Northwest will deliver the service you need to solve your heating problems in Hayden, ID —electrical or any other type.

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