Does My Air Conditioner’s Refrigerant Need to Be Refilled?

July 18th, 2016

One of the most common questions we get about refrigerant is whether or not it needs to be refilled in the beginning of summer to help the system run more efficiently. While a refrigerant leak would necessitate the refill—or recharge, rather—of refrigerant, this is not something that should occur often. It certainly shouldn’t be happening every summer. Keep reading below to learn more about your air conditioner’s refrigerant and why you shouldn’t need a refill.

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3 Indications that Your AC System Needs Repair

July 11th, 2016

One of the most vital things you can do for your air conditioning system is call for repairs as soon as you notice a problem. However, many homeowners aren’t sure of how to recognize and identify such an issue. How do you know if it really needs repair right away, or if can wait?

How do you determine if your air conditioner is truly in danger? We’ve shared 3 indications below that signal your AC unit needs to be checked out by a professional HVAC technician.

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How Do UV Germicidal Lights Work?

July 4th, 2016

Are you concerned about the amount of biological contaminants present in your indoor air? If so, the best way to fight them off is with ultraviolet (UV) lighting. Referred to as either UV air purifiers or UV germicidal lights, UV lights act as air purifiers, and eliminate harmful particles such as mold, mildew, and other microorganisms from your HVAC system.

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How Often Should You Change Your AC Air Filter?

June 27th, 2016

Summer is officially here, and this week we are expecting to see our temperatures increase. As such, you want to make sure that your air conditioner is ready as it can be to handle the work you’re about to put it through. If you haven’t already scheduled your annual maintenance appointment, now is the time to do so!

In the meantime, there is one maintenance task that you can do on your own: changing the air filter. Air filters, which are designed to protect the inside components of your HVAC unit, can become congested with dust, lint, dander, and other debris that not only will make your air conditioner less efficient but also negatively impact your indoor air quality.

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How Do HVAC Professionals Determine the Right Air Conditioner Size?

June 20th, 2016

When it comes to purchasing a new air conditioner for your home, you likely approach it just like you do any other appliance purchase. While staying within your budget, you want the biggest unit available. This might work for other appliances, but it’s not the right way to go about your AC system purchase. In fact, an AC that is not properly sized by a professional can run into numerous problems.

When air conditioning technicians size an AC unit, they look at the correct BTUs needed, or British thermal units. This is a measurement of the cooling capacity of an air conditioner. This is not all, though; there are many other factors that a HVAC professional looks at. If any of these factors are missed and your HVAC technician does not appropriately size your unit, then you’ll likely be paying for a replacement system prematurely.

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Should You Have an Air Purifier Installed This Summer?

June 13th, 2016

When you think about your indoor air quality, what comes to mind? If you are like most homeowners, your thoughts probably go straight to the temperature of your home. Most people don’t give very much thought to the cleanliness of their air, even though this can have a significant impact on their health.

In fact, health experts say that the indoor air quality of our homes can actually be worse than that of the outdoors—particularly during this time of year. It’s important that you not neglect any aspects of your indoor air quality—you should aim to achieve the right temperature, humidity levels, and indoor air quality.

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3 Important Benefits of Spring AC Maintenance

June 6th, 2016

Spring season is a time for many projects: gardening, “spring cleaning” around the house, and more. But one project that often gets overlooked is checking your air conditioner. It may not be hot yet, but warmer weather is just around the corner. Is your air conditioner ready? Ensuring your AC is ready for summer is not a job you can do on your own.

Air conditioning systems are complex refrigeration devices that only professionals with appropriate training should handle when it comes to inspections and tune-ups. No matter what the service is, you can count on our technicians to perform a thorough job, particularly when it comes to maintenance. Below, we’ve listed 3 benefits of investing in such a service.

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Do I Need to Replace My Heat Pump?

May 30th, 2016

No matter how well you take care of your cooling system, at some time it will need to be replaced. So if you are planning on using an aging heat pump to cool your home this summer, it may be time to consider a new system before it breaks down from being overworked.

But do you know the signs of a heat pump that is nearing the end of its life? You may want to brush up on some heat pump facts so that you aren’t stuck in the middle of one of the hottest days of the year without a cooling system. Below are some of the signs that you should replace your heat pump.

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How Can the AirScrubber Plus® Improve Your Indoor Air Quality?

May 23rd, 2016

Homes today are built with tight construction, as to not let any air escape from your living space. This is extremely beneficial for your HVAC system, which is able to work at the highest efficiency possible. However, this is not so great for your indoor air quality.

In fact, your indoor air quality can actually be worse that the outdoor air quality, particularly during this time of year. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) even ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental dangers! So, how can we resolve this?

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Understanding Threats to Your Indoor Air Quality

May 16th, 2016

One of the biggest threats to your home’s indoor air quality is a poorly maintained HVAC system, or damaged ductwork. Investing in routine maintenance—at least once a year—can help fend off these problems. However, it’s important to be aware of where these threats come from and what other dangers exist.

Poor indoor air quality is more than just inconvenient and uncomfortably. It is unhealthy, capable of affecting even the healthiest people in your household. Keep reading to learn more about common sources of indoor air quality problems.

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