These 3 Tasks Must Be Done before You Use Your Heater!

September 26th, 2016

Temperatures are certainly cooling down now, signaling the start of the heating season. This is the time of year when you should be asking yourself if your heater is ready to do its job. The last situation you want to find yourself in is that of a broken down heating system in the dead of winter. Of course, temperatures may not be quite necessitating the use of your heater yet, but that doesn’t mean it’s too early to think about maintaining your heating system.

This is something that should be done well before you actually need to use the heater, as this allows yourself time to have any necessary repairs addressed pre-winter. But what tasks does your HVAC technician perform during maintenance? Why is this service so important? Keep reading for answers to these questions.

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3 Reasons You Should Never Skip Generator Maintenance

September 19th, 2016

Earlier this month, we discussed why it’s so important to schedule generator maintenance well before inclement weather arrives in winter. We briefly covered what occurs during this service appointment and the peace of mind that maintenance can give you. But what could happen if you neglect your generator and skip this important service appointment? Keep reading for 3 reasons why it’s important not to skip generator maintenance.

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It’s Time to Schedule Heating System Maintenance!

September 12th, 2016

We may still be dealing with temperatures on the warmer side in this part of the country, which means we are still running our air conditioners. As such, you probably haven’t given much thought yet to your home’s heating system. However, it’s important to have your heater properly maintained before you actually need it on a regular basis, making now the perfect time.

Routine heating maintenance will benefit you in a variety of ways. And with the official start of fall only a little over a week away, it’s important to look ahead at how efficiently you’ll be able to keep warm and cozy during the cooler time of year. Keep reading to learn more about heating maintenance and how it benefits you.

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Should You Schedule Generator Maintenance?

September 5th, 2016

Summer doesn’t seem to be on its way out any time soon, however that doesn’t mean that now isn’t a great time to think ahead towards the end of the year: a period where you might need to rely on your whole-house generator should an extended power outage occur. The beginning of fall—which is just a couple weeks away—is a great time to arrange for your annual generator maintenance.

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Why Should You Have Your Hot Water Heater Flushed?

August 29th, 2016

When you’re a homeowner, it’s no secret how important upkeep and maintenance is. You don’t want any of your appliances to fair nor do you want to put your property at risk. Therefore, regular preventive maintenance is essential. There are some other tasks that should be performed in addition to regular maintenance, however. This includes having your water heater flushed on an annual basis.

If you have a tank water heater and don’t have this task performed, then you are only setting yourself up for trouble later on down the line. Keep reading to learn more about why you should schedule routine water heater flushing, and when you’re ready to make an appointment go ahead and give our team a call.

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Tips to Help Your Air Conditioner through the End of Summer

August 22nd, 2016

Summer may officially be over next month, but we still have plenty of warm weather to contend with ahead. Perhaps your concerned that your air conditioner won’t make it to the end of the season without suffering from a breakdown—whether it be due to age or numerous repair needs over the past season.

There’s no need to worry. We’ve shared some tips below to give your air conditioning system a fighting chance of lasting through the rest of summer. And when you need professional services done on your air conditioner, just give our experts a call.

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How Does Professional Duct Sealing Work?

August 14th, 2016

One of the main problems that homeowners contend with in regards to their ductwork is the risk of air loss. In fact, 30% of an HVAC system’s air loss can come from breached air ducts. The best way to combat this and reduce costly air loss is with professional duct sealing. This may seem to you like something the average homeowner can accomplish with some simple duct tape. However, duct tape is not appropriately named and will not get the job done. Professional duct sealing involves a lot more than you may realize. We’ve summarized below.

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How Can Soaring Temperatures Make Your Air Conditioner Fail?

August 8th, 2016

The cooling season here in Coeur d’Alene, ID may almost be over, but we still have a few weeks of intense heat to contend with yet. Hopefully, your air conditioner has served you well the last couple of months. One thing is for certain—it’s hard to get through summer without a fully functioning AC system!

Air conditioners are designed to stand up to high temperatures and many years of use, including periods of soaring heat. However, the end of summer is typically when these systems are most likely to suffer breakdowns. This is particularly true if you have an aging system and/or you haven’t had your air conditioner professionally maintained in the last year.

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Air Conditioner Replacement vs Repair: Which Makes More Sense?

August 1st, 2016

As summer continues on, we don’t need to be reminded of how important it is to have a fully functioning and efficient air conditioning system. Temperatures have soared lately, and hopefully you’ve had a properly working AC system to get you through, with no problems.

If you have had problems though, you may be wondering if it’s time to replace your air conditioner, or if you should invest in repairs instead and hold off buying a new system until next spring or later. No matter what, it’s important to confide in our professionals, as attempting AC repairs on your own can cause additional damage to your air conditioner.

But how do you know for sure when repairs are needed or replacement makes more sense?

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Are You Using Your Ductless System Efficiently?

July 24th, 2016

When summer hits, you could very well find yourself dealing with high utility bills and you run your air conditioning system more and more often in order to stay comfortable within your home. In order to use your cooling system as efficiently as possible, we recommend investing in a ductless mini-split system.

This has the potential to drastically reduce your bills and make your home as energy efficient as possible. However, this is only true if you utilize your ductless cooling system in the right way. We’ve provided a couple tips below on how you can do just that.

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