Don’t Ignore These Late-Season Furnace Issues!

February 26th, 2024

It might seem like winter has been going on forever, but we’re really getting there. It’s almost springtime. However, in the meantime, we still need our heating systems to work. It would be lovely if they just kept chugging along until the seasons change. But when they’ve been working so hard for so many months, problems can crop up.

There are some specific furnace issues that are more likely to happen this time of year from all the wear and tear of the winter. Here’s what to watch for.

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Maintenance Tips for Ductless Heating Systems

February 12th, 2024

The biggest benefit of a ductless heating system is the incredible efficiency it offers. But if it’s in poor repair, the efficiency will start to suffer and decline. What a waste it would be to have such a great system and not have it operating efficiently! In order to keep your ductless system running smoothly, it will need regular maintenance.

Why is ductless heating maintenance necessary? When does it need to be done? What maintenance can you do yourself? We’ll tell you all about it.

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Why Boilers Are Still Popular Heating Systems

January 15th, 2024

Around fifty years ago, it became common practice to construct new homes with ductwork for the central air conditioners that were suddenly all the rage. This meant that the ductwork could also be used for forced-air heating systems like gas or electric furnaces. Naturally, those increased in popularity as well. 

However, they didn’t completely replace the heating systems that were common before. In fact, home heating boilers continue to be a favorite with many Americans, and for good reason. Here’s why they’re still so popular.

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Make a Resolution to Get These Home Wiring Problems Fixed

January 1st, 2024
American electrical outlet and cover plate, with screwdriver and wire nuts

Studies show that the most common type of New Year’s resolution has to do with personal health: eating better, going to the gym, drinking more water, etc. But have you considered the well-being of your home? For a refreshing approach to your New Year’s resolution, how about addressing the issues with your home’s electrical wiring? Here’s what you should know.

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AFUE Ratings for Furnaces: What You Should Know

December 18th, 2023

When you’re researching new furnaces to replace your old one, efficiency is probably one of your top concerns. This may be partly for environmental reasons to keep your carbon footprint from getting too big. But it’s also for financial reasons because an inefficient heating system will cost a lot more money to run.

Looking at the details of any furnace, you might have spotted the acronym “AFUE” and wondered what exactly it means. AFUE is a rating system for measuring the efficiency of a furnace. Knowing what rating to look for will help you choose the right furnace. Here are the details.

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Why a Whole House Generator Is a Great Gift for the Family

December 4th, 2023

There’s nothing worse than watching kids open gifts on Christmas and then realizing you don’t have the batteries they need, is there? What about having the power go out on a major holiday? That’s definitely worse! But if you had a whole house generator, a power outage wouldn’t even dim your Christmas lights. 

There are a lot of families realizing they have enough (or too many!) things in their homes already and considering giving gifts that improve the quality of life without filling their houses with more stuff. A whole house generator is a perfect gift, one that can keep everything running smoothly under challenging circumstances. Consider these benefits.

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6 Signs You Need Boiler Repair

November 20th, 2023

A boiler is a fantastic heating system. Not only does it provide even heat throughout your home, it can keep doing it for twenty years! (Of course, it will only last that long if you have regular maintenance done.) Boilers even require fewer repairs than furnaces. But no system works perfectly forever. 

If you do have boiler problems, it’s important to address them promptly. Make sure you notice right away by reviewing these signs that you need boiler repair. 

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Is Your Heating System Holiday-Ready?

November 6th, 2023

Happy autumn! It’s the season of cozy holiday gatherings. But if your home isn’t cozy, it can really spoil the season. Is your heating system ready to perform well and keep your family and your guests warm and festive? Here’s how to make sure.

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6 Spooky Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

October 23rd, 2023
Scared woman covering mouth with hands

As Halloween approaches, you’re surrounded by creepy sights and sounds. You might even be staying up late and re-watching your old favorite scary movies. You’re more likely than usual to get jumpy when you hear a strange sound coming from your basement!

You can expect to hear spooky sounds coming from your neighbor’s collection of outdoor Halloween decorations, or from your children as they try on their costumes and practice frightening each other. You should not hear spooky sounds from your furnace! If you do, the furnace needs repair. Keep an ear out for these warning signs.

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Pros and Cons of Radiant Heating Systems

October 9th, 2023

When you’re building a new home, or remodeling your home, there are so many different things to consider. It can start to be completely overwhelming! You might be tempted to make quick decisions about certain aspects, going with whatever option is familiar just to simplify your process. But when it comes to your heating system, you don’t want to rush your decision.

The way to have a heating system that you’ll be happy with for many years to come is to carefully evaluate your options. Different approaches to heating will work better for different homes, families, and budgets. Radiant heating systems are a fantastic choice for many people. Take time to consider the pros and cons of this option. It might be right for you!

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