How Can You Find the Best Professional Electricians?

July 24th, 2017

find-best-professional-electriciansHave you found that you need to upgrade your electrical panel? Or perhaps you are in need of rewiring, or need to have your smoke detectors hardwired into your home. Whatever your electrical service needs may be, one thing is for sure—this is not a job that should be left to an amateur or an untrained homeowner.

It requires a professional Spokane, WA electrician with the right training, experience, and licensing to get the job done. But do you know how to spot a quality electrician? We’ve provided some insight below as to what you should look for in a professional electrician.

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Sounds That Indicate AC Repairs are Imminent

July 10th, 2017

sounds-indicate-ac-repairs-imminent With temperatures already in the 90’s, it goes without saying that you’re using your air conditioner to keep cool on a daily basis. With that use, are you keeping a close eye out in case any operational problems crop up? AC issues are most likely to occur for air conditioners during the summer season, when system demand is at its highest.

This means that now should be when you’re most watchful for any indications of that air conditioning repairs in Hayden, ID are imminent. Keep reading to learn about a few specific sounds to listen for, which indicate that you should be concerned—and call in a professional HVAC technician to take a look.

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How Does Changing the Filter Get Your AC Ready for Summer?

June 26th, 2017

changing-air-filter-ac-ready-summerThe “official” allergy season may be over, but as anyone with allergies knows, symptoms can linger for some time. And with indoor air quality actually worse than that of outdoors the majority of the time, it can be hard to find relief. Though, it can be a big easier if you perform one important HVAC tasks—chancing your air filter. Many people don’t realize how much of a purpose this serves when it comes to the state of their cooling system.

Changing your air filter is one of those Liberty Lake, ID air conditioning services that we encourage you to do on your own—for everything else we advise scheduling routine professional maintenance. Doing so can actually help air flow through your AC with ease, and reduce the risk of sudden air conditioner breakdown. But that’s not the only step to take in order to prep your cooling system for summer. Keep reading to learn the importance of this task, and what else you can do to make sure you’re well equipped for the hottest season of the year.

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Who Should Invest in a Ductless System?

June 12th, 2017

ductless-system-investWhen it comes to heating your home during the winter, forced-air systems—furnaces—are still a very popular way to do so. But often, forced air systems can be inefficient, or can take up too much space in your home on top of your already existing air conditioner, too.

But what if we told you there was another option for forced air cooling and heating, that not only would save you money due to its efficiency, but will take up far less space in your home? We’re talking about investing in a Coeur d’Alene, ID ductless system installation. But, just like any other HVAC system, a ductless system—ductless mini-split—isn’t right for every home.

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Watch for These Signs of Air Conditioner Problems

May 28th, 2017

air-conditioner-problems-signsIf recent weather is any indication, we’ve begun entering into the warmed part of the year. Granted, it never gets too hot in our area, when you compare it other parts of the country. Still though, are warm weather certainly warrants the effectiveness and efficiency of a quality air conditioning system. This is why we strongly recommend keeping an eye out for any warning signs that your cooling system may be in trouble.

While the most obvious sign of an air conditioning problem is a broken down system, ideally you won’t ever need to let things get to that point before calling for professional Spokane, WA air conditioning repairs. Generally speaking, the problems that may impact an air conditioner do damage over a span of time, not in just one fell swoop. In other words, if you pay close attention, you’ll have plenty of time to schedule repairs without worrying about a system shutdown.

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How Old Is Too Old for an Air Conditioner?

May 15th, 2017

air-conditioner-too-oldSummer doesn’t quite impact us like it does other parts of the country—which is almost disappointing considering how chilly our winters can get. However there’s a benefit to easing into summer—it gives homeowners like you plenty of time to prepare, which includes ensuring that your cooling system is prepared for the warmer weather.

But what if your air conditioner isn’t in such great shape? Could it be that you need a Spokane Valley, ID air conditioner replacement? We get that purchasing a new AC system may not be the most ideal way to spend your money, but when your cooling system reaches a certain age, this purchase becomes inevitably. And waiting for it to just break down isn’t the best plan either—what if it completely shuts down in the middle of one of the hottest days of summer?

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How Much Will My New Air Conditioner Cost?

May 1st, 2017

new-air-conditioner-costAs springtime marches on and our weather begins to warm, it’s finally time to start enjoying the outdoor again. It has already become warm enough of some days to warrant the use of our air conditioning systems—but is yours operating as efficiently and effectively as it should be?

When it gets hot and we experience that all-too-familiar humidity, we understand that you want a peace of mind that your cooling system is prepared to handle whatever comes its way. If you found last year that yours was about to call it quits, then now is definitely the time to consider a new Hayden, ID air conditioner installation.

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Heed These Signs That Your Ductwork Is in Trouble

April 17th, 2017

ductwork-trouble-signsFew homeowners realize just how important their Liberty Lake, ID indoor air quality is to their overall home comfort. Sure, the temperature of your home has a lot to do with your comfort, but what about contaminants and allergens that may be present in the air, making you and your family sick?

Even fewer homeowners realize how much their ductwork impacts the quality of their indoor air. Breached air ducts can allow dust, dirt, debris, and allergens that would normally be filtered out into their living space. Not to mention, damaged ductwork also causes higher energy bills since your conditioned air will escape through the leaks into unoccupied spaces such as your attic or crawlspace.

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Is This the Summer for a New AC System?

April 3rd, 2017

new-air-conditioner-summerOur temperatures may still be on the chillier side, but with spring officially here, warmer weather is not far behind. When it hits in earnest, you’ll want to ensure that you are prepared with a fully functional and efficient air conditioning system in Coeur D’Alene, ID.

We know you have many options when it comes to choosing the right air conditioner for your home and family. You’ll want to consider the size of the system (going too big or too small can be detrimental to its performance) as well as other factors such as the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating. And if you truly want an AC system built to last, we highly recommend choosing a TRANE® air conditioner.

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3 Useful and Aesthetic Electrical Upgrades to Consider for Your Home

March 20th, 2017

electrical-upgrades-3Throughout the country, we are placing higher demands on our home’s electrical grids that ever before. We’re purchasing high-efficiency electrical appliances such as HVAC systems, hooking up more new devices, and purchasing extra equipment.

There are a number of Spokane, WA electrical upgrades you can make, however, that not only provide you with needed appliances as well as entertainment, but can improve the visual appeal and even comfort of your home, too.

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