Maintenance and Repairs: Getting Your AC Prepped for Summer

April 30th, 2018

Front elevation of a large contemporary home.In our previous post, we talked about how now is the perfect time of year to get air conditioning maintenance in Coeur d’Alene, ID on your schedule. We’re talking about it again because, it’s just that important. Once temperatures begin to trend upwards, you’ll want to know you can run your AC system for hours a time without a problem.

The last thing you want is your cooling system to break down on you when you need it the most, and the best way to make sure your cooling system is ready for anything summer can bring is to get that maintenance session on your schedule, and follow up with any repairs deemed necessary.

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Is It Ever Too Early to Schedule AC Maintenance?

April 16th, 2018

hands filling out planner on an isolated white backgroundTemperatures are pretty cool in our little corner of the world, when compared to other parts of the country—even in the spring and summertime. Still though, given how warm it does and can get, a fully functional air conditioner is absolutely essential for the season change. And now is the best time to arrange for maintenance for this system. Your Spokane, WA HVAC maintenance appointments should be scheduled twice a year: once for your cooling system and once for your heater.

Now, there are a couple maintenance jobs you can do on your own. For instance, you should change your air filter every 1-3 months depending on the level of contaminants in your home and depending on what type of air filter it is. But full, professional maintenance requires the services of a trained HVAC technician.

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How Much Will My New Air Conditioner Cost?

April 2nd, 2018

outside unit of an air conditioner sitting on pile of moneyThe short answer to this is “it depends.” We understand, with it officially being spring and all, that you are eager to purchase your next air conditioner if you’re in need of one this year. However, rushing into this kind of purchase can be a mistake. A Couer d’Alene, ID AC installation requires careful consideration about a number of factors, which each of those factors playing a part in how much your new cooling system will cost.

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How Ceiling Fan Usage Can Help (Or Hurt) Your Energy Usage

March 19th, 2018

ceiling fan What? A blog post about ceiling fans when it’s only 40 degrees out this week? Why would we be talking about ceiling fans?

We get it, this isn’t a normal topic of conversation this time of the year, but it could be. As a comprehensive HVAC and indoor air quality service company, we’re always happy to share efficiency and money saving tips with our clients year-round. And there’s one service our Deer Park, WA electricians can help you with, that will benefit your energy usage and HVAC efficiency—and that’s the installation of a ceiling fan.

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Tips for Taking Care of a Commercial HVAC System

March 5th, 2018

air conditioning installation on rooftopTemperatures may mostly be on the cooler side in our little corner of the world—particularly during this time of year. But with spring approaching, now is the best time to start talking about air conditioner maintenance—for your business. Scheduling routine maintenance is one of the best ways to care for your commercial Spokane, WA HVAC system, as it helps you avoid major repair issues, saves energy, and improves equipment life.

Maintenance is one of those HVAC services that are important for residential spaces, but even more so for commercial buildings, no matter their size or function. Efficient air conditioning not only manages the comfort of employees, customers, clients, tenants and guests, but is essential to protecting equipment from overheating, too. In a residential space you need only worry about the comfort of a few, while in a business setting you have much more responsibility.

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When Is It Time to Replace Your Heater?

February 19th, 2018

cute dog under the warm grey blanketIf it were up to you, your Spokane, WA heating system would last forever. You’d be able to get by with repair after repair and never need to replace it. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case. Sooner or later, you will need a new heater. But how do you know when that time has come? You certainly don’t want to wait until it just shuts down on you all together, in the middle of one of our coldest winter days.

Fortunately, our team is here to help you make an educated decision on the matter. You can contact us any time when you think your furnace or heating system is reaching the end of its lifecycle. Our team will look at a variety of factors, help you decide if you can get by with another repair for now or if replacement would be more economical, and suggest system models that fit your lifestyle and needs.

Without further ado, some signs that it is, in fact, time to replace that old heater:

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Is It Time for You to Consider Generator Installation?

February 5th, 2018

Big Backup Natural Gas Generator for House Building OutdoorWhile the worst of our weather doesn’t seem like much compared to other parts of the country—particularly on the east coast—this time of year, that doesn’t mean we’re immune to problems. And some might not even be weather related, such as a power outage.

This may not be a huge concern for you given that the majority of blackouts we’ve been through last hours, not days. However, keeping your heating system and other important pieces of equipment on in the case that we do have a major power outage should be a priority for you. As such, we encourage to you to consider the installation of a whole home generator.

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“Help! Why Is My Electrical Bill So High?”

January 22nd, 2018

money folded origami style to look like a houseWhen it comes to saving money, the average homeowner will tend to look at their bills that fluctuate each month. This means their water bill, gas bill, and electric bill. As we are all well aware, energy bills can be staggering—particularly during the peak of summer or of winter, when you are using either your air conditioner or heater on a daily, if not hourly, basis.

As it ends up, your HVAC systems account for over half of all your energy costs. So if you’re using an electric system such as an electrically powered furnace or heat pump, then you’ll be paying even more. But, this certainly isn’t the only contributor to high electric bills. Fortunately, our are Coeur d’Alene, ID electricians here to share with you some of the reasons your electric bill may be too high, and what you can do about it.

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Combat Dry Air and Illness This Winter

January 8th, 2018

Sick woman blowing her noseWhen the coldest of winter temperatures hit, it makes sense that you are most concerned with how warm it is in your home. A lack of sufficient heat can be not only uncomfortable, but hazardous to your family’s health. A perfectly functioning furnace or boiler is only half the equation, though, when it comes to home comfort during the winter.

Dry air can be equally damaging and uncomfortable during the colder months, and most heating systems—at least, those that are forced air systems—only exacerbate this issue. A Coeur d’Alene, ID humidifier installation may be an excellent choice for you and your home, eliminating the problem of dry air before it even has a chance to affect your living space. Now is as great a time as any to have one put in.

But you may be wondering, “Do I really need one?”

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GFCI and AFCI Outlets: What You Should Know!

December 25th, 2017

A new GFCI electrical outlet.Your home’s electrical system is easily one of the most important components of your living space. Almost all of your appliances require this system to work—even gas-powered systems that have an electric starter. So if your electrical system is malfunctioning, you can experience all sorts of problems within your home.

Safety also becomes a huge concern when your electrical system isn’t working properly. Electrical problems of any kind can pose a serious threat to your living space and your family members. Electrocution is a very real threat, which brings us to our topic today—ensuring you have the right outlets in place.

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