Know Your Electrical Outlets

October 14th, 2019

new-GFCI-electrical-outletAs the seasons change and the weather cools, we all start plugging things in. During fall and winter, we actually plug in a lot of things. From hair dryers to electric blankets to additional lights to moving Halloween decorations, your plugs are probably seeing a lot of use.

But have you ever considered what all that use could do if your house hasn’t been correctly outfitted with the recommended outlets? At the least, improperly installed or incorrectly placed outlets can cause an electrical short. At the worst, they could put you or your loved one at risk of a serious electrical shock, or they could cause a major fire.

Using the correct outlets can greatly reduce these risks, which is why were want to make sure you understand what outlets you should use, why you should use them, and where.

Read on to learn more.

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It’s That Time of Year: Schedule Your Heating Maintenance Today!

September 30th, 2019

technician-working-on-heaterThere is a chill in the air and the leaves have begun to change. September is almost at an end and you know what that means: It’s the best time of year to schedule maintenance for your HVAC!

Oh, and Halloween is coming. This spooky evening is another reason to make sure your HVAC is working so you aren’t worried about shivering while greeting all those trick-or-treaters.

Fall is the best season to service your heating system. Doing so allows you to reap the multitude of benefits that stem from ensuring your furnace or heat pump stays in great working order. Of course, these benefits only come with the care given by a professional HVAC technician like those at ACI Northwest.

Read on to learn more about what perks you experience when you opt to have your HVAC in Hayden, ID serviced by an ACI Northwest professional.

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Do You Have a Faulty Capacitor in Your AC?

September 16th, 2019

outside-air-conditioning-unit-with-tools-on-topYou may not realize just how complex of a system your air conditioner is, with various wires, switches, capacitors, and a number of other components working flawlessly together in order to make the delivery of cooled air into your home possible. And troubleshooting problems with this system is certainly no easy task.

This is why we never recommend that you play around with the inside of your air conditioner yourself if you suspect something is wrong.

If your cooling system isn’t working right, even if you’re certain it’s an electrical problem—actually, especially if you’re certain it’s an electrical problem—the best thing you can do is contact a trained and experienced professional. What is likely going on is a problem with one of your capacitors, if this is the case.

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Can Your AC Repair Needs Wait Until Next Fall?

September 2nd, 2019

top-view-of-an-outside-ac-unitIs your air conditioner acting up? Since it’s so close to the end of the summer anyway, it’s probably okay if you wait to call for repairs, right? We understand this temptation, but we urge you to reconsider.

It’s never a good idea to neglect an air conditioning problem, especially at the end of the season. Letting an air conditioner in disrepair just sit in wait until you need it again could leave you with even bigger, more urgent repair needs or worse—a completely broken down air conditioner.

But, do you know how to spot the signs that your air conditioner is, in fact, in need of repair?

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This Wildfire Season, Protect Your Indoor Air Quality

August 19th, 2019

hazy-smoke-behind-mountainsDid you know that your indoor air quality can be worse than the quality of the air outdoors? This is true any time of the year if your home isn’t equipped with the right indoor air quality products and services. But it’s even more pertinent this time of the year–wildfire season!

Even if you’re not right near the fire, smoke, and ash alone can post serious risks to the safety and health of your family—particularly if anyone in your household is already susceptible to allergy and asthma symptoms. It’s vital that you pay attention to any evacuation warnings that are in place, regardless of your health status, for safety reasons, and know the dangers of being exposed to the particles in the air such as ash. This can include burning eyes, a runny nose, and respiratory distress such as bronchitis. Fine particles can even aggravate individuals with chronic heart or lung disease.

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Does Humidity Hurt My Air Conditioner?

August 5th, 2019

air-conditioner-outside-unitWell, not directly. But in a way, yes it does.

Bear with us as we explain…

Humidity is the excess moisture that comes with the high summer temperatures (and quite honestly sticks around after that as well around here!) It makes us uncomfortable, and essentially the only way to get rid of it is to lower the temperature.

So, when summertime comes, we set out thermostats as low as they will go, making our air conditioners work harder and harder as summer plugs along. As a result, your air conditioner accumulates a lot of stress and subsequent damage. Additionally, the humidity is not effectively removed, and you’ll still remain uncomfortable. Read on to learn more!

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Staying Cool during a Summer Power Outage

July 22nd, 2019

row-of-homes-in-summerWhile power outages aren’t something you’d usually think about this time of the year, they can certainly happen—whether it’s in your individual home due to excessive AC use or a widespread outage.

When we’re at the peak of summer and temperatures are soaring, this can, of course, be a very inconvenient problem. So, if you do experience a summer power outage this season, what can you do to stay cool?

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Can Better Indoor Air Quality Help my AC System?

July 8th, 2019

question-mark-on-blue-backgroundThe short answer to this is, “yes.”

But, please let us elaborate! The type of indoor air quality problem we’re thinking about here is humidity—the excessive moisture that we are well familiar with. In the summer, that humidity makes us feel even less comfortable and the only way to really dissipate indoor humidity is to lower the temperature. So, you’d likely turn on your air conditioner and set the thermostat to the lowest temperature possible.

But, not only is this inefficient, but it also strains your air conditioner and causes it to accumulate wear and tear faster than it should. Additionally, you’re not actually removing the humidity in an effective way. Read on to learn more!

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“Does My Fuse Box Need to Be Upgraded?”

June 24th, 2019

electricians-hands-fixing-electrical-panelThe short answer to this is, “yes.” And the reason the answer is “yes” is because if you’re still using a fuse box in your home, it is outdated—homes built after the 1960’s no longer use them and there is likely much more of electrical demand on your home now.

Instead, what your home needs is a professionally installed and serviced electrical panel with circuit breakers. This is where incoming electricity is routed into different circuits, and each of the circuit breakers is designed to shut off circuits if there is a voltage overload.

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Is Your Cooling System Right for Your Specific Home?

June 10th, 2019

woman-sitting-on-couch-operating-ductless-air-handlerOr, should you go ductless?

Let’s say you have always had a central air conditioner in your home. It works “just fine” and you’ve been paying what you would expect for its use throughout the years. Sure, you could use the space your ductwork is taking up for storage or other means, but having air ducts is just a part of staying comfortable each summer, right?

Well, have we got news for you! A traditional central air conditioner is NOT your only option, and although it may be “okay” for your home, there might be a better option—such as the aforementioned ductless system. Keep reading to learn more!

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