Why You Should Consider a Surge Protector

March 2nd, 2020

outlet-on-wall-with-cord-plugged-inWas that thunder you just heard? You know that thunder and lightning go hand-in-hand so you are a little worried about your electrical appliances. Or maybe the wind has been particularly strong today and you are sweating over how strong that wooden pole is that is holding up the powerlines. Worrying about the factors that could cause a power surge that shuts down your home functions is something we all have done.

If you have a surge protector, however, you don’t have to worry.

Surge protectors are great additions to your home that offer some great protections from strong power surges that could otherwise cause damage to appliances around your home or even cause your home to lose power entirely. If you are considering surge protectors for your home and wondering if they are the right fit for you, we can help you make that decision with the information you need and the electricians in Spokane Valley, WA who can get the job done.

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Repair or Replace Your Furnace?

February 17th, 2020

question-mark-on-blue-backgroundWhen you have a furnace for your home heating system, it is easy to see why they are so popular. From their energy efficiency to their heating power, these systems are well-known for being great providers of comfort, because they are!

Now, when you have a furnace, you will need to make sure it is taken care of with regular maintenance and timely repairs when needed. Even with careful care, however, there will come a day that your system needs to be replaced.

The issue that we want to raise is this: do you know how to tell the difference between a furnace that needs furnace repair in Spokane Valley, WA and one that should be replaced? We’re asking because it is pretty important. You don’t want to waste money on a failing furnace that needs an upgrade but you also want to avoid too early of a replacement.

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Do You Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

February 3rd, 2020

gas-jets-of-furnace-ignitingYou’ve noticed that lately, you haven’t been feeling all that hot. There have been headaches, nausea, and just overall fatigue… and you aren’t sure why. That is, you aren’t sure until your CO detector starts going off.

A gas leak within your home is a serious and dangerous problem. And it is also one that can originate within your furnace. We don’t want you to be afraid of using your heater when we say this–as long as it is well taken care of you should be alright. However, if you own an aging furnace and you haven’t scheduled maintenance or repairs in a while, we need to talk! Why? Because the incident described above is avoidable with a timely furnace repair in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

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How To Decide on a Heater for Your Home

January 20th, 2020

couple-making-decisionHaving a reliable heater in Spokane isn’t really up for debate. It is a necessity. So when your heating system gives up the ghost, it is never an issue you can ignore. The bigger problem here is having to decide on which new heater you should install.

Maybe you are already set on what system you’d like to install or maybe you are struggling with your options. We want to help in either case. We have put together a list of the different heater types you should know about along with the factors that you will need to remember when selecting a unit for your home. Because let’s be honest, no one wants to shiver all day long but suffering inside a stuffy home is just as bad.

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Start the New Year Right with a Fixed Furnace

January 6th, 2020

gas-jets-of-furnace-ignitingWe are all in the process of seeing through our New Years Resolutions as best we can. But we can bet that there is one resolution that you may not have thought to add to your list that you really should: Resolve to ensure your home comfort.

Yes, it might seem goofy, but it is an important resolution to make. Why? Because it will help you remember that waiting on getting those furnace repairs done isn’t a good idea. Let’s start 2020 off right by making sure that you can enjoy the beginning of the new year in warmth and comfort thanks to our team’s effective services for furnace repair in Spokane, WA.

The question you may be asking now is, what in your furnace potentially needs fixing?

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The Gift of Good Heater Service

December 23rd, 2019

technician-with-toolsWhen it comes to wintertime here in Washington, it is important to make sure that your heater keeps working. There is nothing quite as uncomfortable as waking up to an unpleasantly cold home during the holidays. What’s worse is that, if you are hosting a get-together, chances are no one will stick around long if your home resembles a refrigerator.

If you have discovered that your heater is on the fritz, your best choice will be to reach out to an HVAC contractor in Spokane, WA for assistance. A trained professional like the ones at ACI Northwest will be able to give you the best gift of the season: the gift of a working heater.

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Check Your Electrical System Before Plugging in Holiday Lights!

December 9th, 2019

holiday-lights-cozy-settingIt’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Goodwill is in the chilly air, gifts are being purchased, and evenings are being spent in comfort by the fire (or simply enjoying the modern marvel of central heating). If you are like us, chances are you are already in the process of decorating your home for the holidays. Multiple strings of lights and decorations will bedeck your home inside and out.

Before you dive in too deep on plugging in all those light, we want to give you a quick warning that you may want to check your electrical panel. The reason why we are offering this word of caution is that the wrong string of lights could overload your electrical panel and cause a decent amount of trouble.

If you aren’t in the mood to deal with electrical trouble this holiday season, our advice to be to find out what you need to be cautious of and what you can do to keep this month free of unwanted sparks.

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 Is Your Furnace Ready for Winter?

November 25th, 2019

furnace-burnersIt is still only Fall, but the weather is already quite chilly. Most of us are probably used to Washington’s cool temperatures and rainy days during this time of year but that doesn’t mean we have to shiver our way through it. When you have the benefit of a reliable heater on your side, you have the peace of mind of knowing that no matter how cold it gets during the day you’ll be kept comfortably warm.

At least that is true if your furnace isn’t in need of repairs.

If, however, you just thought of that strange noise or odd behavior that your furnace has exhibited lately, it may mean that you are in need of furnace repair in Spokane Valley, WA. We strongly suggest setting up an appointment to get your system checked and fixed soon too because delaying for too long can worsen the issue immensely.

Before you make that call though, it might be beneficial to know what signs are indicators that you need those repairs.

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Home HVAC Heating System Care Tips

November 11th, 2019

The holiday season is in full swing and most of us are probably focused on decorating and prepping for family visits, parties, and enjoying a great amount of yummy food. All of this is made even better with a working HVAC heating system keeping your home comfy and cozy while everything is busy catching up.

You more than likely aren’t hot on the idea of having your heater go out in the middle of a gathering with family or friends. Unfortunately, an HVAC system that hasn’t gotten regular maintenance or been seen for repairs is likely to give out when you need it the most–because that is likely when you are running it the most!

There are things you can do to ensure that you aren’t the victim of a a poorly timed heater problem. Continue reading to learn more and, while you are reading, you can also contact us to service your HVAC in Coeur D’alene and get a jump start on that preventative system care.

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4 Ways To Reduce Your Home Heating Bill

October 28th, 2019

cold-man-no-heatThe temperatures are dropping, and our desire for warmth and cozy spaces is increasing. Right now, many people are likely switching on their heaters to make their home a haven from the chilly outdoor temperatures.

But maybe hand hesitates over the thermostat because the mental math in your head is saying the heating bill isn’t worth the warmth. If you are one of those individuals who would rather wrap themselves in a blanket than turn on the heat, we may be able to help you.

Believe it or not there are a few different ways to reduce your home heating bill. One of those is, of course, scheduling regular maintenance for your heater, but we will touch more on this subject later.

For now, have some helpful tips so you can enjoy a warm home this season.

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