When It Is Time for a New Air Conditioner

June 22nd, 2020

determining-if-electric-heat-pump-is-right-for-youThe last thing that anyone wants as the days get longer and hotter is to discover that their air conditioner is getting weaker and less reliable. However, this is a situation that many residents across the greater Coeur D’Alene and Spokane area encounter at least once in their lives.

Realizing that your AC is starting to break down without a chance of recovery isn’t a good feeling, but thankfully this situation isn’t without hope. Catching the warning signs of an AC that needs to retire gives you a chance to schedule an air conditioning replacement in Spokane before you are left without a cooling system for days or weeks on end.

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Would a Ductless AC Be Good For You?

June 8th, 2020

woman-with-ductless-air-handlerSummer is just around the corner, and, with how high the temperatures can get here in Coeur d’Alene, you don’t want to be caught without an effective air conditioning system. If you don’t already have a good AC system, it might be time to consider having a whole-home system installed. If you have concerns about a central air conditioner, you might want to learn a bit more about ductless air conditioning systems in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

These types of cooling systems are a great option for homes throughout our city. They have a good amount of benefits that come with them that we think you should know about.

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Have You Checked Your Filter Yet?

May 25th, 2020

changing-air-filter-ac-ready-summerThere are a lot of different parts to your air conditioning system that work together to help it do its job. From your evaporator coil to the fans that blow your cool air through the house, each part of your AC has to work together and work well to help you achieve the comfort you are looking for. But there is one part of your system that doesn’t move at all and yet it plays just as important a role in keeping that cool air flowing.

We are talking about your air filter. The air filter in your air conditioner plays an important role not only is keeping the air flowing through your system, but also in allowing your system to do its job. All too often this part of the AC gets ignored but we want to explain why you want to add checking your filter to your regular list of “to-dos.”

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5 Potential AC Repairs You Might Need

May 11th, 2020

It may not be the season for cooling your home just yet, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking ahead to make sure your system is ready for summer. Let’s say you already had your maintenance tune-up for the year done and your technician alerted to a potential issue that will need to be fixed up soon. We want to emphasize that it is highly important that you get this done! It may not seem like a problem but it puts you at risk of a breakdown when the heat really turns up in a  few months.

If you haven’t yet gotten your annual maintenance check done, then we suggest you set it up soon to catch any possible repairs you might have. Even if your system was working perfectly when you shut it off for the winter, it doesn’t mean that it might not have a problem that needs to be fixed.

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Help Your Business With Improved Energy Management

April 27th, 2020

business-owner-with-well-lit-spaceLet’s paint a picture.

You are a commercial business owner and you have worked hard to optimize your commercial space for the sake of your clientele. Whether that is selling home products or clothing, serving food, or offering consulting services, your commercial space took a lot of work to make it fit your needs and make the space as enjoyable as possible for your customers. You are sure that everything is great until you start noticing things seem a little off. Maybe it is people squinting while they are in your commercial space, colors that seem a little off, or parts of your business that aren’t as well lit as others. Yes, you worked hard to make your commercial space one that is ideal, but bad lighting can take all that effort and chuck it out the window.

Whether you are opening a new commercial space or have realized that your longstanding business needs a lighting upgrade, it pays to invest in your lighting system because it makes a bigger impact than you might think.

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Our Maintenance Services Keep You Comfortable and Safe

April 24th, 2020

technician-with-toolsCurrent events have made life a lot more worrisome and in many cases a lot more complicated. With that said, your home comfort isn’t something that should add to your stress. That is why we want to make sure you know you can still schedule your yearly maintenance appointment with our team.

Your safety and your comfort are our priority which is why we want to assure you that we handle each and every service call with the utmost care. We ensure the safety of our team members and our customers with every call by utilizing the following safety measures:

  • Our technicians wear gloves and booties at each home they visit.
  • We use disinfectant and paper towels to wipe down surface areas.
  • We disinfect our offices multiple times a day.
  • We are diligent to disinfect our trucks after each service call.

The sooner your schedule your maintenance appointment the better. No one wants to have to wait for 80 other residents to collectively realize that they need to hop on their HVAC maintenance at the same time. When you schedule your service with ACI Northwest, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the crowd and stay safe in the process.

You can learn more about our carefully crafted safety measures here: CORONAVIRUS UPDATE FROM ACI NORTHWEST

Contact ACI Northwest today to schedule your maintenance appointment so you can stay safe and comfortable, without compromise.

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Why You Might Want a Whole House Generator

April 13th, 2020

A home generator that provides electricity during a power outage. It is connected to a propane gas supply.The clouds seem to be parting a bit more often and allowing the sun to peek through every once in a while. It certainly isn’t time to go sunbathing but you can tell that spring is trying to break through the leftover winter weather. However, this doesn’t mean that we are completely in the clear. April is supposed to be one of our wettest seasons of the year which can create a risk for things like flooding. Likewise, a bad storm could present problems like down power lines.

What we are getting at here is that weather can be unpredictable and disruptive when you least expect it. And, especially with how much extra time most of us are spending at home, it is important to make sure that you will be able to stay comfortable even if something happens, like the power getting cut off. One way to ensure you stay safe and comfortable while at home is to invest in a  whole house generator.

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What Goes Into Electrical Maintenance?

March 30th, 2020

electrical-components-and-toolsThe systems around your home require maintenance if you want them to run well. Whether this means clearing the dust out of your home desktop computer tower, cleaning out the fridge, or getting AC maintenance services, maintenance is an important part of keeping things working the way you want, and your electrical system is no exception.

Having maintenance done on your electrical system is important not just for the sake of your monthly utility bills but also for the well-being of your appliances. If a part of your system isn’t working right it can damage an essential appliance. Let’s take a moment to look at what goes maintaining all things electrical in Coeur d’Alene, ID and why you should schedule your next check-up sooner than later.

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Coronavirus Update from ACI Northwest

March 20th, 2020

Like the rest of the World, we’ve been closely monitoring the situation and have developed a Best Practices Guideline that ACI believes best helps us protect our employees and customers. These guidelines are based on CDC and State Agency recommendations along with the experiences other Businesses have had in already affected countries.

You can remain confident that our Management and Technicians will continue to provide our swift, 5-star Service without interruption just with a few more precautions than normal. Safety is one of ACI’s highest priorities, so we’ve taken the following steps to ensure your safety and ours.

If you need service, call our main line at 208-772-9571 or 509-482-2000 to schedule an appt. We have local staff handling the phones from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm our normal hours. 

If you’re calling outside regular hours we have an after-hours answering service, who will contact our on-call technician so he can make a call back to your home to take care of your concerns over the phone and determine if an afterhours service call is needed. You can also schedule service through our website.

Service Call Precautions

ACI Northwest is open and running heating, cooling & electrical calls to homes and businesses. ACI wants to be there in case of emergencies; and to make sure we keep our customers safe and comfortable at home. We are taking precautions to protect our team members and making sure they stay safe while working.

When a call comes into our office our staff will ask some important questions to help ACI be proactive with our team’s response and level of protection. Depending on where your equipment is located, we may be able to troubleshoot and service your system without entering your home, but this may not be the case for everyone.  We will also forgo our courtesy handshake or business card hand off.

We will be following these protocols to maintain a safe work environment by:

  • Wearing new gloves and booties at each home
  • Using disinfectant with paper towels to wipe down surface areas
  • Disinfecting work areas in our office’s multiple times daily
  • Disinfecting our Service and Installation trucks after each call

Maintenance Calls

We will be running maintenance calls during this time. If you are scheduled already, we plan to come but you are welcome to reschedule if you’d prefer to distance yourself. We will call before coming and go over any precautions you may have before showing up on site.

Obtaining signatures for work

Our normal process is for repair work to be approved via signature before beginning work. In order to reduce contact, we will be suspending this requirement at this time so you will not be asked to sign a phone or tablet by our team unless deemed necessary by customers corporate office for payment purposes.

For equipment sales, we use paper contracts so only you and our sales staff will have access to the contract.


During this time, we ask that all payments be made via electronic means via debit card, credit card, or 3rd party financing if possible. We will be accepting checks and or cash but special protocols will be in place both in the field and here at our shop to protect everyone handling paper forms of payment.


Some of our team members may be working remotely from home and therefore you may experience a slight delay in response times. Please be patient with our team so that we can take the best care of you and all our customers.

Updates from ACI Northwest

We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and communicate any policy changes with you immediately.  You can find any necessary updates on our Facebook Page, ACI will also be sending out any potential large policy changes via our Mailing Lists.

We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we all navigate these uncertain waters together. Our team is always dedicated to providing you with incredible service and quality.

We want to thank you for your business and wish you and your family safety and security in the following weeks.


ACI, Inc.

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The Importance of an AC Tune-up in the Spring

March 16th, 2020

tech-servicing-outdoor-ac-unitYes, we realize that you likely think we have lost our minds to be discussing your air conditioner right now. It has been raining and quite cold so why would anyone be concerned with their cooling systems? The only part of the HVAC system we should be discussing is heating, right? Not quite.

Here’s the deal: it is cold out and spring is making its attempt to push through winter’s chill, which means it is AC maintenance season. In fact, this period of time when it is still chilly out, before the warmth hits us, is actually the best time to get your maintenance done.

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