ACI Northwest Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Furnace Repairs to Watch Out for This Winter

Monday, November 27th, 2017

furnace repairs watch for winterThere are few appliance problems that are more annoying than that of a broken down furnace in the dead of winter. When you live where we do, it’s vital that you have a fully functional and efficiently working furnace in your home. To accomplish this, you want to make sure that you, first, schedule routine maintenance for your heating system. This is typically best to be scheduled in the beginning of fall, but regularity is more important that time of the year.

After ensuring you’ve had maintenance completed on your heater, you’ll want to make sure you stay on top of any needs for Spokane Valley, WA furnace repair. There are two calls we receive pretty frequently during this time of year—the first is about a furnace that won’t start up, and the second is about a furnace that won’t stop running. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on inside your furnace if you’re experiencing either of these issues.

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Can Furnace Repairs Be Prevented?

Monday, October 16th, 2017

male technician working on the inside of a furnaceWe would imagine that in the middle of winter, the last thing you want to do is waste time scheduling repairs for your furnace system. You may be surprised to learn that a large portion of the furnace problems we see during the heating season are actually preventable. Furnace issues are understandably frustrating, and in some cases if they’re ignored they can even be dangerous. We want to help you prevent the most serious of Spokane Valley, WA furnace repair services (although, we are the team to call when you need them!)

We can’t go any further without first mentioning the benefit of preventive heating maintenance—it is essential to prolonging the lifespan of your furnace, lowering your heating bills, and possibly preventing repair needs altogether. Keep reading for our tips on how to prevent your furnace from breaking down or performing poorly.

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How to Save Money on Your Heating this Season

Monday, February 20th, 2017

save-money-on-heatingWinter may be nearly over in an official sense, but we still have plenty of cold weather to contend with. Hopefully you have a fully functional and efficiently working heater to get you through the rest of the season. Of course, if you are in need of Hayden, ID heating services, you don’t need to look any further—we are your team.

When it comes to heating your home, we understand you want to do so as efficiently and effectively as possible in order to save money without sacrificing comfort. There are many strategies to doing so that don’t involve using your heater any less than you want or need to.

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Determining if an Electric Heat Pump is Right for You

Monday, February 6th, 2017

determining-if-electric-heat-pump-is-right-for-youThe HVAC systems in your home account for a large majority of your energy consumption—about 50% of all energy costs, actually. Therefore, it’s understandably important to you that you find the most efficient way possible to heat and cool your home. If you are looking for an electric-powered heating and cooling system, then you’d do well to consider a heat pump. And when you’re looking for Spokane Valley, WA heat pump services, you needn’t look any further than our team.

Heat pump systems are a very efficient mean to both heat and cool your home. It functions much like a traditional air conditioning system in that it used the process of heat exchange to transfer heat from one area to another. What makes it different, however, is that not only can it use this process to cool your home in the summer, but also to heat your home in the winter. So instead of needing to rely on multiple systems for your home comfort needs, you have a 2-in-1 solution.

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Are You Increasing Your Energy Bills with These 4 Heating Mistakes?

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

dont-make-these-heating-mistakesThere’s no hiding the fact that winter is here and temperatures necessitate the regular use of a fully functional heating system. With snow expected a few days this week, this is even more pertinent. We understand, however, how important it is for you to save money wherever you can.

You may think that using your heating system less will help impact your high energy bills. But why should you sacrifice comfort when there’s an easier way? There are a few easier ways, actually, to keep your energy bills low without sacrificing the comforting warmth that a properly operating and high efficient heating system can bring you. Keep reading to learn more, and when you need heating services in Liberty Lake, WA, simply give our team a call.

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Reasons Why a Boiler Might Not Heat as It Should

Monday, January 16th, 2017

When it comes to choosing a reliable heating system for your home, you can’t go wrong with a boiler. These systems have a small number of mechanical parts, and thanks to this they rarely cause as many problems as perhaps a furnace or some other type of heater might. This also means they tend to have a longer lifespan than other heating systems.

That being said, there is no heater out there that’s completely invulnerable to issues. Your boiler might encounter problems that will lead it to stop proving heat, no matter how well you take care of it. Fortunately, the solution is as simple as giving our boiler experts a call. In the meantime, we’ve shared some reasons below that your boiler may not heat your home as it should.

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Help! My Heater is Blowing Cold Air

Monday, December 26th, 2016

Winter is officially here, and with it has come bitterly cold temperatures and snow showers. As such, it’s vital that you have a fully functioning heating system to get you through the next few months. So, if you’ve turned yours on only to discover it is blowing cold air into your Spokane Valley, WA home, then your natural inclination may be to panic.

Before you pick up the phone to dial our number, however, we have a few things for you to check. Keep these following tips in mind if you encounter cold air this winter. Of course, if you do end up needing repairs we will, of course, be there to help, any time of day or night! Whether your issue is an emergency or it’s not, you can count on our team for quality heating repairs.

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Common Reasons for Furnace Trouble

Monday, December 19th, 2016

As the weather cools to the point that daily use of a heater is absolutely a necessity, your furnace is under a lot of stress. Its wear and tear is increased during the winter, and the chance of a serious problem happening goes up considerably. Even if you’ve kept up on professional furnace maintenance, you should stay on top of any repair issues that may arise. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common problems furnaces run into.

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Beware These Heater Problems This Winter

Monday, December 12th, 2016

Winter may not be here officially, however our temperatures have certainly dropped enough to begin using our heating systems. Hopefully, you’ve begun using yours without any issues. If you’ve had heating maintenance done within the last year—or the last couple of months if you have a heat pump—your chances of encountering a problem are much fewer than if you were to skip maintenance.

Of course, even a heating system that is well taken care of can run into problems, particularly as it ages. If you spot the following signs, it’s highly advisable that you give the experts on our team a call right away. The faster we pinpoint the problem, the faster we can repair it and help make your home and family more comfortable for the impending winter.

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Happy Holidays from ACI Northwest: Special Events

Monday, December 5th, 2016

Here at ACI Northwest, we strive to help our customers with all of their home comfort needs and concerns. However, we also want to express how thankful we are for our customers—and for our community—by staying involved in what’s going on around the areas we serve, and wishing you a safe and happy holiday season.

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