ACI Northwest Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Can Your AC Repair Needs Wait Until Next Fall?

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

top-view-of-an-outside-ac-unitIs your air conditioner acting up? Since it’s so close to the end of the summer anyway, it’s probably okay if you wait to call for repairs, right? We understand this temptation, but we urge you to reconsider.

It’s never a good idea to neglect an air conditioning problem, especially at the end of the season. Letting an air conditioner in disrepair just sit in wait until you need it again could leave you with even bigger, more urgent repair needs or worse—a completely broken down air conditioner.

But, do you know how to spot the signs that your air conditioner is, in fact, in need of repair?

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Does Humidity Hurt My Air Conditioner?

Monday, August 5th, 2019

air-conditioner-outside-unitWell, not directly. But in a way, yes it does.

Bear with us as we explain…

Humidity is the excess moisture that comes with the high summer temperatures (and quite honestly sticks around after that as well around here!) It makes us uncomfortable, and essentially the only way to get rid of it is to lower the temperature.

So, when summertime comes, we set out thermostats as low as they will go, making our air conditioners work harder and harder as summer plugs along. As a result, your air conditioner accumulates a lot of stress and subsequent damage. Additionally, the humidity is not effectively removed, and you’ll still remain uncomfortable. Read on to learn more!

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Staying Cool during a Summer Power Outage

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

row-of-homes-in-summerWhile power outages aren’t something you’d usually think about this time of the year, they can certainly happen—whether it’s in your individual home due to excessive AC use or a widespread outage.

When we’re at the peak of summer and temperatures are soaring, this can, of course, be a very inconvenient problem. So, if you do experience a summer power outage this season, what can you do to stay cool?

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Is Your Cooling System Right for Your Specific Home?

Monday, June 10th, 2019

woman-sitting-on-couch-operating-ductless-air-handlerOr, should you go ductless?

Let’s say you have always had a central air conditioner in your home. It works “just fine” and you’ve been paying what you would expect for its use throughout the years. Sure, you could use the space your ductwork is taking up for storage or other means, but having air ducts is just a part of staying comfortable each summer, right?

Well, have we got news for you! A traditional central air conditioner is NOT your only option, and although it may be “okay” for your home, there might be a better option—such as the aforementioned ductless system. Keep reading to learn more!

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For Optimal Efficiency, Schedule AC Repairs ASAP

Monday, May 27th, 2019

technician-working-on-ac-outdoor-unitHave you scheduled professional maintenance for your air conditioner yet this season? If not, it’s not too late! In fact, it is more important that you have maintenance done on a regular basis than it does the time of year you have it done—though we typically recommend springtime since it’s right before you’ll need your cooling system the most.

Why is maintenance so important? Well, it’s during this service that our technicians thoroughly inspect your air conditioner. We’ll clean the system inside and out, while checking for any components that need adjusting and checking for any repair needs. The latter is what we want to discuss today.

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How to Best Prep Your AC for Summer

Monday, April 29th, 2019

two-fenced-in-air-conditioning-condenser-unitsWith temperatures still fairly cool for now, it’s hard to imagine those hot, humid days of summer in our future. But the future is closer than you think. And the last thing you need this summer is to be stuck with a malfunctioning or inefficient air conditioning system.

Now is actually the perfect time to start prepping your air conditioner for summer. The reason for this is because then you have plenty of time to take care of any pending repair or performance needs well before temperatures start rising. It’s convenient for you as you won’t have a disruption in service, and it’s convenient for your schedule as well, since you’ll probably have to wait longer for an appointment in the busier days of summer.

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The End of Season is No Time to Neglect These AC Repair Needs

Monday, September 17th, 2018

woman writing appointment in a scheduleTemperatures are cooling, and the official start of fall is just a few short days away. So, we can turn off our air conditioners for the season and just forget about them until next year, right?

Not so fast! Has your air conditioner been making funny noises in recent weeks? Or perhaps it seemed as though it wasn’t cooling as powerfully as it used to. If you had any sort of problem with your cooling system this summer, then the time to call for air conditioning repair in Post Falls, ID is now, rather than waiting until next year and hoping for the best.

Letting an already malfunctioning AC system sit in waiting all fall and winter long could mean a completely broken down system when spring comes back around. The following are some end of season repair needs that you really shouldn’t wait to call a pro for.

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Can a Dehumidifier Help Your HVAC System?

Sunday, August 19th, 2018

A heating/cooling vent register on the wall of a home, with open/close leverLet’s put it this way—excess moisture can certainly hurt your Spokane Valley, WA HVAC system, therefore, a whole-house dehumidifier can, in fact, help it.

Consider the facts—humidity is the excess moisture that comes along with our higher summer temperatures that we’re all very familiar with. This excessive humidity makes us uncomfortable, and the only way to relieve this moisture is by lowering the temperature. So, this would likely lead you to turn your air conditioner to the lowest possible setting, right?

Well, unfortunately this makes your air conditioning system work harder, straining it and causing it to accumulate wear and tear faster than it otherwise would have. Plus, it doesn’t do anything to effectively remove the humidity in the air, so you’ll still be uncomfortable anyway.

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If Your AC Isn’t Tuned-Up, It’s Not Too Late

Monday, June 11th, 2018

An air conditioner unit outside a brick home in a residential neighborhood. The air conditioner is in a back yard in the hot summer season. Service industry, working class.When you read any blog post touting the benefits of air conditioning maintenance, we understand that it can be easy for you to dismiss. After all, if nothing is seriously wrong with your air conditioner, why bother calling a professional HVAC contractor in Spokane, WA? This is especially the case if your air conditioner worked just fine all summer long last year, right? Well, similar to maintenance for your automobile, routine air conditioning maintenance is important not so much to fix issues but to prevent them to begin with.

As air conditioning professionals, we feel that it is our responsibility to inform you on the “why” of air conditioning maintenance. If you haven’t scheduled yours yet, no problem. Hopefully what we have to say here will convince you to get it on your schedule now.

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Maintenance and Repairs: Getting Your AC Prepped for Summer

Monday, April 30th, 2018

Front elevation of a large contemporary home.In our previous post, we talked about how now is the perfect time of year to get air conditioning maintenance in Coeur d’Alene, ID on your schedule. We’re talking about it again because, it’s just that important. Once temperatures begin to trend upwards, you’ll want to know you can run your AC system for hours a time without a problem.

The last thing you want is your cooling system to break down on you when you need it the most, and the best way to make sure your cooling system is ready for anything summer can bring is to get that maintenance session on your schedule, and follow up with any repairs deemed necessary.

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