ACI Northwest Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

You Can Schedule End-of-Season Maintenance Too

Monday, August 16th, 2021

One of the services that we can talk all day about is maintenance. After all, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to make a big difference in the operation of your AC system. But if you’ve ever heard us discuss maintenance before, you’ve probably heard it said that this is a springtime service. So why are we bringing it up now, when we are getting further from spring and closer to fall? Because maintenance can still make a difference.

If you have an air conditioner that has been running hard all season, it may be good to also invest in a tune-up toward the end of summer. When a professional performs this air conditioning service in Coeur d’Alene, ID, it will benefit your AC by ensuring it works optimally for the rest of the season and that it will be less likely to develop a repair need by next summer.

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“Why Isn’t MY AC Blowing Cold Air?”

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Summers can get pretty oppressive around here, which is why many residents in the area are glad to have a good air conditioner to keep them cool. You are one of these individuals, but you’ve started to discover that your air conditioner isn’t operating as reliably as you might like. In fact, it isn’t really cooling your home at all because the air it produces isn’t cool!

When your AC starts to act up, especially when we are about to head into the hottest months of the year, it can be pretty stressful. Without the right approach, you may be struggling through several months without reliable cooling for the home which can mess with your comfort in a multitude of ways.

When your air conditioner acts up, it is a good idea to reach out for professional air conditioning repair in Hayden, ID to get the core problem fixed so you can enjoy a cool home again. Here are some possible issues that may be causing your AC to produce lukewarm air.

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Tips For Peak AC Efficiency This Season

Monday, May 10th, 2021

outside unit of an air conditioner sitting on pile of moneyWe may still be in the midst of spring, but don’t be fooled–summer is coming. And when the heatwave arrives, you’ll be glad you have powerful air conditioning in Coeur d’Alene, ID to keep your home cool and livable. The only catch here is that you might be worried about the cooling bills this season.

Even with great maintenance and upkeep, you might be noticing that your energy bills are higher than you’d like. Maybe they aren’t spiking but they are simply a bit more expensive than in previous years. This is likely due to something hindering your system’s efficiency.

We can help. We’re providing some helpful tips that will ensure you get the best “bang for your buck” from your air conditioner this summer. And, if those energy bills continue to rise, we’re also here to help with maintenance, repairs, and more to get things back to normal again.

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Can You Get AC Maintenance Done Now?

Friday, May 7th, 2021

Haven’t gotten your AC maintenance in several years? Wondering if it’s too late to start now? 

When it comes to AC maintenance, it’s better late than never. Regular AC maintenance is essential to running your unit smoothly for years to come. You can save money and inconvenience due to expensive repairs. 

It’s not always obvious to the untrained eye if an AC unit is in need of a tune-up. However, there are a few red flags to look for, in which case, you should immediately schedule AC maintenance services in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

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5 Sounds You Don’t Want to Hear From Your AC Unit

Monday, August 17th, 2020

outside-air-conditioning-unit-with-tools-on-topWhen you turn on your air conditioner, you should be able to enjoy the cooling comfort you need and be able to hear yourself think at the same time. If that isn’t the case and your AC system instead sounds like it is going to fall apart, don’t ignore it. Reach out to the pros at ACI Northwest for prompt repair services.

First things first, however: you are going to need to know what the sounds are that you don’t want to hear. That way you know when to contact us to get repairs so you can help your system make the sounds you do want to hear.

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When It Is Time for a New Air Conditioner

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

determining-if-electric-heat-pump-is-right-for-youThe last thing that anyone wants as the days get longer and hotter is to discover that their air conditioner is getting weaker and less reliable. However, this is a situation that many residents across the greater Coeur D’Alene and Spokane area encounter at least once in their lives.

Realizing that your AC is starting to break down without a chance of recovery isn’t a good feeling, but thankfully this situation isn’t without hope. Catching the warning signs of an AC that needs to retire gives you a chance to schedule an air conditioning replacement in Spokane before you are left without a cooling system for days or weeks on end.

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Would a Ductless AC Be Good For You?

Monday, June 8th, 2020

woman-with-ductless-air-handlerSummer is just around the corner, and, with how high the temperatures can get here in Coeur d’Alene, you don’t want to be caught without an effective air conditioning system. If you don’t already have a good AC system, it might be time to consider having a whole-home system installed. If you have concerns about a central air conditioner, you might want to learn a bit more about ductless air conditioning systems in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

These types of cooling systems are a great option for homes throughout our city. They have a good amount of benefits that come with them that we think you should know about.

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Have You Checked Your Filter Yet?

Monday, May 25th, 2020

changing-air-filter-ac-ready-summerThere are a lot of different parts to your air conditioning system that work together to help it do its job. From your evaporator coil to the fans that blow your cool air through the house, each part of your AC has to work together and work well to help you achieve the comfort you are looking for. But there is one part of your system that doesn’t move at all and yet it plays just as important a role in keeping that cool air flowing.

We are talking about your air filter. The air filter in your air conditioner plays an important role not only is keeping the air flowing through your system, but also in allowing your system to do its job. All too often this part of the AC gets ignored but we want to explain why you want to add checking your filter to your regular list of “to-dos.”

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5 Potential AC Repairs You Might Need

Monday, May 11th, 2020

It may not be the season for cooling your home just yet, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking ahead to make sure your system is ready for summer. Let’s say you already had your maintenance tune-up for the year done and your technician alerted to a potential issue that will need to be fixed up soon. We want to emphasize that it is highly important that you get this done! It may not seem like a problem but it puts you at risk of a breakdown when the heat really turns up in a  few months.

If you haven’t yet gotten your annual maintenance check done, then we suggest you set it up soon to catch any possible repairs you might have. Even if your system was working perfectly when you shut it off for the winter, it doesn’t mean that it might not have a problem that needs to be fixed.

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Do You Have a Faulty Capacitor in Your AC?

Monday, September 16th, 2019

outside-air-conditioning-unit-with-tools-on-topYou may not realize just how complex of a system your air conditioner is, with various wires, switches, capacitors, and a number of other components working flawlessly together in order to make the delivery of cooled air into your home possible. And troubleshooting problems with this system is certainly no easy task.

This is why we never recommend that you play around with the inside of your air conditioner yourself if you suspect something is wrong.

If your cooling system isn’t working right, even if you’re certain it’s an electrical problem—actually, especially if you’re certain it’s an electrical problem—the best thing you can do is contact a trained and experienced professional. What is likely going on is a problem with one of your capacitors, if this is the case.

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